About the GH disc, its being sold by Burning Shed. It's about 20-22 bucks I think (including shipping from the UK). I'm not sure if the album is privately distributed or if KScope is the label that released it.
There is no issue between us and CMDistro - we are tight. The problem is the issue of the Inside Out back catalog and its availability at the moment. Right now they are just bringing in import titles that were not available over here. I think we are out of stock on something like 75 IO titles at the moment. If the Gavin Harrison disc is on KScope it will get a US release date. KScope keeps delaying US street dates - most of their titles come out in the UK months ahead of the US. IMHO its a bad business decision.
Thanks for the reply Ken. Hopefully CMDistro can get their act together and start printing the back catalogue in the US.
Hope you can get the GH disc. And yes, I agree with you. But I understand why they are doing it. They want to get the most profit for their store before distributing it to the rest of the world. I think it's good for their business but really bad for their artists trying to get exposure, which at the end equals business as well (more exposure, more copies sold).
Our immediate plans for release are the debut from the British band Haken ("Aquarius"), a new Canvas Solaris, and the North American release of Delain's debut "Lucidity" with bonus tracks. Oh yeah - new Wuthering Heights as well. Some other stuff percolating that I can't discuss yet.
Really looking forward to the Haken concept album. Saw them play music from the album on the final night of their tour with Bigelf, at the Camden Barfly. Exciting music brought a strong enthusiastic response from a large crowd. Promises to be a stunning album and a major release.