new 5150/blackmore clip - full song

Holy shit dude, that sounds fantastic. I need details, as many as you can provide!

Cabs/mics/techniques used for guitars, drums, vox, whatever you can remember!
thanks mate

don't know details about how anything was recorded except guitars :)
vocals were recorded in a dinning room that had a natural reverb to it

drums were recorded in the same room at our producer's house.. no proper studio [drum rooms etc] used.

here's the other track i posted earlier Downloading RINCON - how it is...


les paul custom [emg81 in bridge]

engl vintage 4x12 cab [v30's]

mics - 1x609 on the 45 angle. 1x57 straight at cone.. similar to inflames technique etc..

each amp tracked twice, panned hard left, hard right. so 4 times tracked all up.

609 mic was sent to an avalon mic pre.
57 was sent to a desk [allan and heath?!.. can't remember the name exactly]

any other questions just let me know!