New song, new mix. (ENGL Blackmore + Krank)


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
We recorded 2 new songs this weekend.
And this is one of them.

Drums & Rhythm guitar on friday
Lead guitar & Vocals on saturday

I've spend now like 2-3 hours on this mix last night.. Animal/Rewrite the Drama-sample.mp3

!UPDATE NEW FULL SONG! Animal/Embodiment of Lies.mp3
Details about mix a bit more down!

2 x 2 ENGL Blackmore (solo's)
2 x 2 Krank (thanks to GuitarHack for Reamping!!)

I'm not satisfied with the snare sound yet. I'm trying to avoid using samples on the snare...
Kick is a sample of my own kick drum (MMX 22x18 with AKG D112)
Toms are 80% acoustic and 20% sample

Soundgear bass through DI and tubescreamer in front of it!

Seems like the guitars are a bid cloudy below 600 Hz or so; kinda muddies it up. Also, the solo can definitely come up, and that section where the guitars cut out could use some editing to get rid of the little noises from muting the strings. I dig the music though, and the tone almost has a recto quality to it - great job man!
there's a definate mud to almost everything. The snare could be louder. The vocals should be louder, but they sound like they need alot of work. the solo is super quiet too. I can't hear any bass. maybe you just back off the guitars, and clean up the cloudy bits.
Ok guys.

Thanks for those notes, when I listed to it the whole mix sounds pretty dull.
I really have problems getting a good seperation in my mix..
Guess I just have to probally be a little bit more patient with things.

I will post a new one in the next couple of days!
That new song sounds good, but the sub drop and the intro are too loud compared to the song when it kicks in. I'd love a chance to mix this as well, if you would put the original files up dude.