new Agalloch song

the guitar reminds me alot of the one from their cover of kneel to the cross, the new album of theirs seems to be shaping up really well
I have "Odal" downloaded off their new album... i didnt even know it was off the new album when i d/l ed it. by the way when is the end gonna get pale folklore back in stock so i can actually buy it? :confused::mad:
Not to start anything , but devilish you dont seem to like new offerings from bands , with opeth i know you dont really like anything except orchid and morningrise , And now with agalloch your already claiming nothing can beat pale folklore , Can a band Win you over on there later albums(with some change in there music) , or must they keep there first sound??
I just heard almost all of the new Agalloch album (Jim, you fucking rule!) and it is incredible. The new song that was the catalyst for this thread may be the least impressive track, it is that amazing. The acoustic work is brilliant, the instrumental passages and arrangements spellbinding, and the atmosphere...I can't out it into mere words.
Originally posted by spikes77
Not to start anything , but devilish you dont seem to like new offerings from bands , with opeth i know you dont really like anything except orchid and morningrise , And now with agalloch your already claiming nothing can beat pale folklore , Can a band Win you over on there later albums(with some change in there music) , or must they keep there first sound??

I do like bands that change their sound, I liked new arcturus, anything from Katatonia, every goddamn Ulver release, I even like dimmu's latest...