New album artwork in the making..

Felipe Machado Franco [Blind Guardian, Rhapsody of Fire, Iced Earth] is working on the artwork for the up-coming Theocracy album. We'll have more news and updates for you all real soon!

If I asked, that means I don't know who did the artwork, therefore not knowing that fact.
First album artwork = Mattias Noren
Second album artwork = Robert G. Wilson, Jr.
Third album artwork = Felipe Machado Franco

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle :lol:
Captain Obvious here:

It's cheese.

As in dragons and other fairy tale creatures are cheesy. They have grown to become kind of the archetypal power metal cover material.

Guy is saying he wants a never been done before custom, state o de art graphic, that doesn't look like every other power metal cover.
I can see it now: "Theocracy is proud to announce the release of their new album.....Dragons for Jesus!"

Okay, maybe not. But it does have a certain ring to it. :D

Seriously though, this guy is obviously a very talented artist, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes up with. Hard to tell too much from the photo, but I'm sure it's going to be good.