New Album Cover

really looking forward to hearing this one alot... when I interviewed Eric over a year ago, I could tell he was really trying to write killer,catchy riffs...and wanted this cd to really be something special with the original guys back in tow....I remember Eric mentioned songs such as "Apocalyptic City" and Haunting" too with the harmony guitars..and said Alex was really added his touch to the songs too..

I'm sure it will be well worth the wait....not much longer till we hear it.. plus you have Andy Sneap producing, so you know it will sound killer too!...

hey steve, have not forgotten about you. will write you soon when i get the chance.
thanks Ms. A..I'm sure you are swamped with things now too!..which is good news...after I hear the new cd..maybe we can hook up another interview w/ Eric about the new album etc???
thanks again..