New album Foregone out February 2023

Do you think System and Stay With Me are similar? Like, you are replacing Howard Benson, the band presents you these two songs, and you have but two options: 1. these songs can go onto the record 2. these songs are basically the same so it's redundant to have them both, pick one. What do you choose?

I'Ve lsitened to both SWM and System a shitton, but somehow never felt like they are treading on eachother's territory.

Talking about the end of those songs, chief, not in their entirety. Same idea of the previously sung chorus being screamed in desperation at the end.
Still not sure how a random scream elevates SWM from being awfully generic and average.
So what's the end goal, you are going to strong-arm someone in a debate into liking the music?
No, I am showing them their inconsistencies in their own criticism and attitude. It won't convince them, but it does label them and their opinion about the band and their output. It should matter if you are giving an earnest review or something, or if you are just the folk who chimes in at every album release to remind everyone that you still think everything is shit and the last good year of this band was in 1725.
Talking about the end of those songs, chief, not in their entirety. Same idea of the previously sung chorus being screamed in desperation at the end.
This still leaves me with the same question which I had after reading "others have better growls" earlier today: okay, so? Two very different songs which reach similar conclusions, but one is more brutal than the other fine. Is that even a criticism in on itself? I think Take This Life is better than any song from Foregone, but that alone won't make this a shit record.

Plus it's not clear why or how would it have been better if SWM just ends with the same chorus it had throughout the song. Again, take a peak at Dialogue from this record and how the chorus feels more and more alien to the whole song. I have to laugh when it's being played the final time. No bridge, no altercation, just a big, red CHORUS button being pressed one final time.
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Bro, literally all I'm saying is that the screams at the end aren't a big deal to me either way :D I like the song regardless. It's not really the best track to choose as an example of this being a thing. The only reason I highlighted it was because (imo) SWM is good enough as a song to standalone as a purely commercial track. Screams weren't really necessary for me, but to be clear, they don't bother me either.
At least they give a trajection, or rather a crescendo to the song. Not every song needs one, but that one benefitted a lot from it. If someone hates it, then those last 10 seconds or so won't change their mind, but elevates from the poorer Stay WIth Me imitations of Follow Me and All The Pain.
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Liberation is a track where the screams aren't needed. It isn't building to a crescendo, he just randomly starts screaming even though it isn't necessary.
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Nah, it just that we're stuck in bad relationships and all that.
I had more fun sitting in the dentist's chair when that fucker didn't give me anesthesia, than you had with this band the last... 10 years? But sure, keep living in a denial.
Liberation is a track where the screams aren't needed. It isn't building to a crescendo, he just randomly starts screaming even though it isn't necessary.
In Romeo and Juliet both of our protagonists die.

In Titanic one of our protagonists die.

In Rocky I none of our protagonists die.

Yet all of these are famous plays and movies revolving about relationships. Things can be different and still good at the same time.
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Has everyone of you listened to MYM through good headphones at loud volume? What a powerful song :eek:

I’d say the whole thing is awesome through my Marshall Major IV headphones :kickass:

Edit : Ahah I find it funny that I seem to be the only one here to genuinely enjoy Foregone from start to finish whereas my first reaction was deception. It eventually grew a lot on me (except End the Transmission whose chorus isn’t really my cup of tea).
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See, what we need to do is find other things to talk about that we can actually agree on and then there will be less infighting going on over here. I'll start...

Everyone forgets that there's a new IF album to trash. Slave mentioned watching Coco and now we all probably just think he's a teddy bear. He was cuddled up on his couch in his plaid pajamas, a glass of warm milk, a few tears shed and then drifted off to sleep with dreams of being a Mexican zombie who plays guitar. That's what that movie is about, right?