Keep us posted for sure!
In terms of creativity, I've mainly been playing with Ultimate Vocal Remover to see if it's possible to extract the vocals from my old In Flames covers from 10+ years ago and mix them into the real IF tracks without vocals, as UVR can produce instrumental tracks pretty much flawlessly. Back in the day I just had to use YouTube covers, and at the time Shehf was the go to. Dude did some really great instrumental covers.
Most of the attempts I've made so far haven't come out great, as you'd expect. Minus and Sober and Irrelevent were alright, but I was recording on a cheap mic and using Cool Edit 2 for editing back then, lmao, so it was never going to be studio quality stuff. The covers also tended to be recorded at slightly different timings to the actual tracks, so my vocals often don't have an exact match with the real track. Sometimes that can be fixed with editing, but a lot of the time it just messes with the flow and sounds weird.
I tried Satellites and Astronauts though, and wow, Schehf must have absolutely nailed his timings because my vocal patterns were almost perfect, and I was surprised to hear that for the most part it sounded solid against the music. Not perfect, obviously, but better than pretty much anything else I'd tried. Considering S&A is one of my absolute favourite IF songs, that was awesome to hear.
I won't have a bad word said against AI, it's the king
In terms of creativity, I've mainly been playing with Ultimate Vocal Remover to see if it's possible to extract the vocals from my old In Flames covers from 10+ years ago and mix them into the real IF tracks without vocals, as UVR can produce instrumental tracks pretty much flawlessly. Back in the day I just had to use YouTube covers, and at the time Shehf was the go to. Dude did some really great instrumental covers.
Most of the attempts I've made so far haven't come out great, as you'd expect. Minus and Sober and Irrelevent were alright, but I was recording on a cheap mic and using Cool Edit 2 for editing back then, lmao, so it was never going to be studio quality stuff. The covers also tended to be recorded at slightly different timings to the actual tracks, so my vocals often don't have an exact match with the real track. Sometimes that can be fixed with editing, but a lot of the time it just messes with the flow and sounds weird.
I tried Satellites and Astronauts though, and wow, Schehf must have absolutely nailed his timings because my vocal patterns were almost perfect, and I was surprised to hear that for the most part it sounded solid against the music. Not perfect, obviously, but better than pretty much anything else I'd tried. Considering S&A is one of my absolute favourite IF songs, that was awesome to hear.
I won't have a bad word said against AI, it's the king