The Grayfox
Yeah, like you said, most of the songs on that album haven't stood the test of time in IF's setlists so it's easy to assume they're not super fond of a lot of those songs. Then again, they are fond of some of the absolute worst ones on there... in my opinion. Not only has The Chosen Pessimist stuck around, they've fucking OPENED shows with it. Part of me understands that they just look at the metrics and see what songs get a lot of play from fans and include those in the sets. You want to please the majority of your fanbase at shows, totally understand it. It just sucks that my personal taste doesn't align with 99% of their fanbase 
I think what it boils down to is that I hate that they just can't escape the "hits." There are so many bands who have hits that don't insist on making sure they cram in as many as possible into every single setlist. If Metallica only played songs that got radio play or they made a video for, their setlist would never change. But here they are, still playing sets that, sometimes, consist mainly of material from their first 4 albums. I like the way Maiden does it. They have a few hits that they rotate in and out, but they don't try to cram every single one into every single set. They rotate songs a LOT. Sure, it's for a whole tour, but just because they didn't play Rime of the Ancient Mariner on tour A, doesn't mean they won't play it on tour B. With In Flames, I think we can be fairly sure on their next European tour that Condemned won't magically be pulled out of a hat. If that ever happens, it'll be at Dalhalla and that's it. Their setlist variation is terrible.

I think what it boils down to is that I hate that they just can't escape the "hits." There are so many bands who have hits that don't insist on making sure they cram in as many as possible into every single setlist. If Metallica only played songs that got radio play or they made a video for, their setlist would never change. But here they are, still playing sets that, sometimes, consist mainly of material from their first 4 albums. I like the way Maiden does it. They have a few hits that they rotate in and out, but they don't try to cram every single one into every single set. They rotate songs a LOT. Sure, it's for a whole tour, but just because they didn't play Rime of the Ancient Mariner on tour A, doesn't mean they won't play it on tour B. With In Flames, I think we can be fairly sure on their next European tour that Condemned won't magically be pulled out of a hat. If that ever happens, it'll be at Dalhalla and that's it. Their setlist variation is terrible.