The Grayfox
As much as I like DT, Live Damage is one of the worst live album/DVDs I've ever heard. It's poorly mixed and Mikael sounds terrible. Great setlist though.
I think my favorite vocal performances from Stan’s so far are from Haven and Damage Done— Though admittedly, Damage Done is far and away my favorite DT album from what I’ve heard so far.
I haven’t listened to much of The Gallery, and Punish My Heaven’s the only track from it I listen to with the slightest bit of regularity, so I can’t really judge his vocals there yet. I think he did get a massive glow up from Lunar Strain to The Gallery, similarly to how Anders did going from Skydancer to TJR— Though maybe that’s me feeling that his vocals fit TJR so much better than Skydancer. It’s been a while since I’ve listened to Skydancer in full, so I can’t really judge that too much either.
I actually just finished listening to Construct in full three days ago, and despite it generally being lumped in with WATV as DT’s worst (Yeah, I’m with them on WATV, even if it’s not actually bad), I actually really liked it a lot. The only tracks I didn’t care for were the opener and closer, which are pretty egregious for me, but everything else was actually pretty good. Uniformity, The Silence in Between, What You Only Know, and Endtime Hearts have been nonstop listens for me since then.You need to listen to all of their albums with all due haste -- to quote Anders from Transparent: "Even if it's a struggle, make this your priority..."
Construct seems to be a love it or hate it kind of thing. Glad you enjoyed it! Uniformity and The Silence in Between are definitely highlights. I also like For Broken Words and State of Trust.
I really like Out of Nothing and The Endless Feed (TEF especially, holy fuck, it’s everything great about DT), but that’s it so far. I’m hoping to get into the rest of the album, but everything else I’ve listened to just feels like it was done better on Haven, Damage Done, and Fiction.Funny that you should mention stopping halfway through Character. That was my first DT album and it took me a long time to get into it. It just felt homogenous and one-note to me. I think it's great these days, though. Totally agreed re: Dark Tranquillity's consistency vs. In Flames' oscillation between amazing and terrible.
I listened to Construct in full a while back to see if I'd been giving it too hard of a time, but I still didn't like it for the most part. I went through it song by song but from memory the ultimate takeaway was not enough melody or creativity. I get the vibe they were going for but it wasn't for me. I do really like Endtime Hearts though - that's a great little track.
I think I know the one you’re talking about just going through the music. I actually quite liked that— Probably more than most of the tracks, but therein lies the problem.WATV is by far the DT album I enjoy the least. I can remember someone on the DT UM forum creating a "technical guide" for the album - which is probably still on that forum - and I remember thinking if I need a fucking technical guide to appreciate the album then it definitely isn't for me. Obviously for others that might be awesome though.
Stainne does a pretty good job, I especially liked his vocals in "Behind Space". It's a good start, and it's definately an album I could listen to. Worth a buy if you are into In Flames(and I'm not talking about into _Reroute to Remain_, if you are in that era and then you go to this album you won't like it, I can almost guarentee). If you aren't really into them, don't bother getting it, as it doesn't feature the best production.
I personally liked this release a lot. Although it only has five tracks, they are all superb songs.
Stainne no longer on vocals, they got some other guy in ... I've forgotten his name, but, I thought the vocals on this were good.
The lyrics look bizarre, In Flames writing about love? Ah well, they pull it off well.
Absolutely wonderful guitar work(check out the start/end to "Biosphere")and some cool, recognisable songs such as "Ever Dying" and "Subterranean" ... Stand Ablaze is a brilliant track too, one of my favorites. I think they still play this in live concerts sometimes, actually. The short instrumental "Timeless" is a creepy little tune which nicely sets up Biosphere actually. All around, great release. I was very impressed. Some songs may sound the same in melody, such as Subterranean and Ever Dying but it doesn't matter, the songs still rock. Not bad lyrics either, although a little basic.
In Flames' breakthrough album. _The Jester Race_ is simply amazing.
"The Jesters Dance" is the first out of two instrumentals, and a Godly one at that.
Finally, "Dead God in Me" closes off the album averagely, in my opinion. It isn't a track you tend to remember.
The live version of "Behind Space" is interesting, because you get an insight as to how Anders Friden differs from Mikkel Stainne.
Personally, I loved this album as much as I loved _The Jester Race_, the melodies, to me, seem to have gotten even better, and some of the songs on here are classics.
"Food for the Gods" Is slightly softer, and more emotional. Anders seems to spit out the vocals a little more personally in this one, adding some emotion.
"Dialogue With The Stars" is a really good instrumental. Personally my favorite instrumental on the album, the usual way above par guitar work is at times mesmerising.
"Jester Script Transfigured" at first did nothing for me, but, upon second listen, it's actually become one of my favorites. The vocals get more relaxed and lose the growl until the chorus, which is stunning when first yelled out, as the chorus repeats during the song it isn't quite as noticeable, in my opinion. The lyrics in this actually make little sense to me, I'm sure Anders had a meaning(Nikolas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity helped him translate his Swedish into English for this album and possibly _The Jester Race_ too)but I'm unable to pick up much. Something about a biological creation, perhaps? Who knows. The melody of the song more than makes up for that anyway.
"Episode 666" is arguably the most popular In Flames song ever. This song is catchy, brutal, and has flawlessly combined heavy and death metal together in an ecstatic harmony that makes "Episode 666" simply awesome.
"Whoracle" is the instrumental that softly and calmly finishes the album off. It isn't as good as "Dialogue with the stars" but isn't a bad way to end _Whoracle_ ... although some think "Episode 666" would have been better suited to end the album.
These guys could almost make their lyrics complete crap(like Cannibal Corpse) and still make the songs sound terrific.
_Colony_ was mainly an album In Flames' fans either loved or despised. It was certainly a change for the Swedes.
"Embody The Invisible" is possibly the best starting track I have ever heard on an album. Unbelievable! A fast-paced, catchy and brutal song that gets right in your face and blows you away. Awesome, what a way to start off.
"Coerced Coexistance" brings us right back to the hard metal. Starting off brutally and continuing that throughout the whole song, whilst managing to be extremely melodic and catchy. Another great solo in here. Good drumming too.
"Clad in Shadows '99" is an average track, really. I think it was only on the Japanese versions of _Colony_... I didn't really get into the _Lunar Strain_ version, so getting into this one was unlikely. It's got an okay melody and the vocals are done well, but, the other songs on the album are better.
"Man Made God" finished the Japanese version of _Colony_. This is a great instrumental! Four minutes or so of jaw-dropping guitar work. This is the guitarists of In Flames at their magnificent and stunning best. Anyone who hasn't heard this can go download it at ... and I highly recommend it. This is the way to finish an album.
If I was an In Flames fan, _Colony_ would be in my collection automatically. Any metal fan should check this out. People not into the melodic death style should probably get _Reroute to Remain_ or _Clayman_ before giving this a look, though.
"Only For The Weak" is my favorite song on this album, and my favorite song ever. Seriously, this is the greatest metal track I've ever heard. From the beginning riffs, to the varied emotional vocals, to the awesome solo ... this has it all. I can't see how anyone can dislike this song. This was the song that brought me into the world of In Flames and metal, it has remained my favourite and may stay there for quite some time. It's almost worth buying the album just to hear this also has a video.
"Square Nothing" is the first song that really experiments. It starts off VERY slowly, with the vocals barely above a whisper, about half way into the song the chorus comes in and from there the song accelerates into the usual In Flames hard rock sound.
"Satellites and Astronauts" experiments In Flames sound to the extreme, but it is just beautiful. An odd word to use when describing an in Flames song, I know, but I love this. It's so soft, but still has the In Flames sound and has a perfectly placed solo too. The lyrics are generally mumbled just above a whisper, screaming at some parts too, they are written with raw emotion, yet skillfully, too. I don't care what anyone says, this song is decent.
"Suburban Me" offers more hypnotic guitar frenzies, along with some enigmatic drumming and brilliant vocals. Nice solo, too.
This isn't really death metal ... if you're looking for In Flames' Death metal, check out _The Jester Race_ and _Whoracle_, if you're looking for progressive metal, _Colony_ and _Clayman_ are better.