New album Foregone out February 2023

For me, I think Bottled is the worst IF song pre-ASOP, but they definitely released some worse shit from 2008-onwards. Delight and Angers and Sober and Irrelevant both spring to mind immediately as songs I want to listen to less than Bottled, and those are still before Jesper left. Then you have shit like, let’s say Underneath My Skin. While I’m under the belief that honestly, Anders did need a little autotune at that point, that shit went so far overboard it’s ridiculous. House is House, the Clayman re-recordings would’ve sounded better with FL studio presets (and without autotune)— Those are personally my picks for the worst IF songs. Then you have MYM, Bleeding Out, and End the Transmission. I know a lot of people seemingly like MYM, including here, but I don’t get the appeal whatsoever. It sucks as much as everything else I’ve listed aside from House and C2020, I don’t care who disagrees with me.

I’m glad we got so many more OFTWs than Bottleds, at least in terms of quality, but is Bottled the worst? No, not quite, and it certainly doesn’t stand alone as being one of their worst— It’s just their worst in the period while the band was still not only good, but the band we knew and loved. If nothing else, it has far more interesting lyrics than MYM, so cheers to that.

Edit: I forgot to put Black and White on my list, but honestly, I do think it is a slight step above everything else there. I just think it’s bad and boring by Reroute’s standards, which are admittedly a lot higher than it imo.
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Inhad totally forgotten about House and now I want to remove that part of the rain where it's stored. If any song has to be defined as the worse and most insulting IF song then House is the top by far.
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It's like arguing whether vomit or shit is better. It's disgusting regardless.

Bottled was the worst IF song once upon a time. An innocent time. It's been surpassed by far worse tracks since. In This Life makes me wish I was born without ears. House is a disgrace to the concept of music. The Clayman 2020 remakes are a desecration of something sacred. Significant portions of Foregone are so boring that it should be studied as a cure for insomnia.

Would I listen to Bottled now? No. It still sucks a big one. Do I consider it the worst ever? Not anymore. Cheers Anders, Bjorn and Howard. If nothing else you made Bottled look marginally better.
Well, 20 years ago CC hadn't quite been released, and I hated STYE, so to be honest I may have believed things would keep getting worse.

I couldn't imagine the depths they would sink to, though. If I received copy of Clayman 2020 remake back then I genuinely would have been shocked at the decline in standards.
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