I love regaling people with this story.
I also wish I saved the post. I should've screenshotted it back then. It was in 2011 on the Jesterhead forums. If you don't know, Jesterhead was In Flames' official fan club and the members would actually take part in discussion on the forums (from time to time). Jesper had just left the band. Now I'll preface this by saying that there were only really a handful of us old school guys around those parts. Most of the members were fairly new fans and among them were the fanboyest of the fanboys. Any time Anders would post, it was like a fucking train of fanboys came through immediately just blindly agreeing with whatever he said. Anyway... obviously a thread was created to discuss Jeppe's departure from the band. I think most people were sad, myself included. But since everyone was weighing in on it, I said that him leaving was a serious blow being that it was, you know, his band and all. He was the last original member and I felt that what he brought to the In Flames table would be sorely missed and that their sound moving forward would be affected by it.
Anders did not like it. He basically wrote out a paragraph lashing into me telling me that my opinion didn't mean anything and that In Flames was not one individual, but a collective with equal say in the band (which I doubted then and doubt even more so now). He ended his tirade with "how's that for your two cents?" I was then DMed by two moderators (one of which was ArchY, if you remember him) and the guy who ran the fanclub telling me Anders didn't appreciate my post and that I was on "thin ice." I was basically told that unless my opinion was in line with the management of the fan club and the band themselves, that it wasn't welcome. If you didn't kiss their asses you were essentially blackballed. I saw at least one person get banned and their membership "revoked" because their opinions were not the same as most. Mind you, you have to understand that it was ass kissing to the highest degree there. If you weren't just swallowing everything the band fed you and saying how great it tasted, you were told that you were on "thin ice."
It was a fan club where not all were welcome, clearly. I believe the bans are what led to Plintus and some others creating JesterAss which didn't last very long unfortunately.
I also met Anders once (before this all went down) and he was just kind of cold to people. Peter, Bjorn and Daniel were all amazing human beings and took lots of time to talk to fans. Peter especially was just a sweetheart of a person. So between those two situations, I'm just not a big fan of his.