When the sun stands that no more than on the sky fits Close-Up on striding nedför the steel stair that leads to cave similar Vampire Lounge on Östgötagatan in Stockholm. Down in the dim enlightened premise, all members meet in Amon Amarth up and presents one presslyssning for the future album “Twilight of the thunder goods” (Metal Blade). It is invited on loaf sandwiches and promotionhövding Bussman on Triada tries (in vain) to become of with a batch mango.
It is always difficult to comment on a record after only one lyssning. Therefore, the following impressions of select tracks should from Amon Amarths eighth fullängdare is taken with one pinch coarse saltedly.
Initially presents reslige vokalisten Johan Hegg the album's title predicts, “Twilight of the thunder good”. It concerns itself about one upptempodänga of quite classic Amon Amarth-snitt. Unless the ears fail myself is mentioned both Tor and Odin in the text. Everything is that itself should also as regards the poetry, therefore.
One really tough heavy going fishing alder stings break of after it trallvänliga the chorus. Johan asserts later that the band probably never has let so a lot tooth coat that on the new deal (“no error in that shelf its origin”

. At the end of the sting, the chorus row is repeated and then follows one amazement arousing deftly gitarrsolo. “in view of how good solot let perhaps you take that it not where we that lirade solot” smiles Johan. It is Children Of Bodoms unite guitar guru Roope Latvala as been in front and burnt strings.
In “Free will sacrifce” are noticed little new ideas in it stockholmska vikingalägret. One gungigt death “n” role hang that nearest can be compared at Entombed is the frame. In the chorus is consulted one more typical Amon Amarth-slinga and of course oscillates it as Tors hammers one correct mulen day. Low in the background is consulted a meagre noticeable male choir. According to Johan, the better is consulted in common stereoapparater than in the bar's PA-system. Good-looking, and good choice to let the atmosphere the full choir to defraud in the background instead of lying as a cap.
“Guardians of Asgaard”. Johan wonders if the overall pressure can list out who that guest sings on this midtempobit.
Nobody in the parish breaks key. One intends “ah” when it stands clearly that it is most alone LG Petrov as chopped while in the microphone, part's in a pair own batches during verserna and part's that stödsångare in the chorus. Evidently had Entombed-vokalisten apologized itself and said that he where little rosslig in the neck, but that he would take one snabbkur comprizing coffee and cigg so would it become delicate delicate.
Does he sit (unshaved) on a cloud? Does he be called Peter, hedges in the pole and joints the world's goodest death going fishing alder tied? Or became he uppmumsad of one grizzlyhane and lies in a grave with the name Timothy Treadwell inristat on the stone? Amon Amarth wonders - “Where ice your good?”.
This is it most pure death going fishing alder introduction the band pottered about together on many good years. Had it technical köttriffandet been uppbackat of blastbeats or fast two rate had it banne me can to last Cannibal Corpse. What that is safe is that it tube itself about the band's shortest tune ever, approximately two minutes. One small, but encourageing tough, detail is when it sudden becomes quiet and one during a fraction of a second consult when Johan retrieves the respiration, kit take from the toes and so crashes the hell loose again
When vikingarna traveled to the east to slid they often past Konstantinopel (now Istanbul), or Miklagård as they hornbeprydda the warriors the alone referred to town. Johan tells that vikingarna was high estimated of kejsaren where down in order to they were upright and always stood for its word. “Varyags of Miklagård” is kicked igång with pampiga barrels and an interesting, basis old woman riffande. “sons of a bitch what male” hojtar colleague Kling and it is only to agreewith.
One traditional Amon Amarth-dänga that learns to go home at all fan.
Also in “Tattered banners wild duck bloody flags” (work title: “The battle song”

befinna we us on välkänd land. In a batch, a communication eel spirit is repeated “increase!” and this doubtless will be disseminated longly outside the scene during life appearances. What that stings out is a quite short elements as let can be taken for a synt, but Johan clarifies that the group definitely not used itself of one so plastigt instruments. A kind's horns, it is as been used.
In “No fear of the setting sun” (“the tune acts about the last while in the life. One will die pleased over what man achieved in your life ") is invited it on a good-looking gitarrsolo, that is personally the article of wrought iron this the time. One fräsig upptempolåt that ensures that the record not slaknar.
Normally, the song arena Johan that stands are for the text stem grip, but on “The having quiet” has the bass player Ted Lundström toiled forward the pen. Brief acts the tune about a man that pursues first past in its life does well, and then dies.
Smattrande dubbelkaggar is the basis and the guitar has spiced with a correct comfortable effect that has Pain-vibbar. Very genial. The chorus has a guitar loop that can to be described as dreaming.
“Live traveled the kill” acts about snubbar in bear hides and vargdito. One to Judas Priest-aktigt riff. Really stands heavy the going fishing alder share high in course. Does not know if it is the beers that play me a prank, but one riff reminds a part about one riff in Paradise Losts “Pity the sadness”. In view of how many of riffen that is patented Amon Amarth-riff feels that the bulb near band snouts outside its deep-rooted territory.
One to blue-white guest initiative. Den här gången är det Apocalyptica som gått lös på sina cellos till fördel för Amon Amarth. Stämningsfullt!
Someone that has seen “fatal catch”, there våghalsiga men defy pissing weathers and fishes giant crabs, on Discovery Channel? Ultimate “Embrace of H only sick and tired ocean” is it perfect soundtracket. Vindarna blows isiga when a man, slaves since fifteen years, at last is on road home.
The plaque's most epic tracks are built up off hårt, stötigt guitar work in versen and one liquid, game full melody loop in the chorus.
The sorry guitar in the end is no other than magnifik. Intend Norwegian Seigmen during its most melankoliska while. Not consulted is spoken about Seigmen? Okay, intend Khoma then. Not familiar with that band neither? But what damn, Kent intend immersed in a black Japanese well then.
Finally, I fit on that tipsa about Amon Amarths Christma orgy in Bochum that goes of the pile between December 28 and 31. The whole four days on raken comes the band to hold hov. The first evening is expressed “Once late pious the golden halls” as a whole. The evening subsequently is it “The avenger” trip to be lifted forward. The third evening is played “The crusher” and everything kulminerar with one New Year party there “Versus the world” is let off. Also new tracks come that liras all evenings.
“Twilight of the thunder good” släpps of Metal Blade September 22. Do not fail interview and review in #104, in shop September 16!
god bless the online translations