new album ?


The Beast Within
May 31, 2002
New York
Visit site
I'm just curious, any news about new album? I know they were originally intending to re-record the debut album, but since dropped the idea. The upcoming tour is to support Odyssey. So I'm wondering if anyone knows anything, the official site is down, so I can't even check it for the news.

I talked to Jason last night at his drum clinic (which was amazing) and he said that yes, the re-recording of the first album was halted but that they had been writing new stuf as well as practicing for the upcoming tour.. no speak of a new album because they're on tour promoting The Odyssey again but they def have stuff cooking!
Snowmaker said:
So they are no longer re-recording the debut album??

I talked to Russell at a Dream Theater concert in NJ about a month ago, and he told me they've abandoned the idea of re-recording the first album, and decided to do a new one instead. Queensryche was just about to start their set and he seemed anxious to see them, so I didn't have time to ask him when they will be recording the new album, or ask anything about the upcoming tour...

They should just have Russell record the vocal tracks for the original album and then remix it.

I'll tell ya, the one thing that amazes me about the s/t album is how muddy and low in the mix the guitar leads are. It's rare that a band that was "the guitar player's band" (at that time), and was produced by the band themselves would have the guitars so low in the mix. All the tracks are there on tape. If Romeo got back in the studio and remixed it with Russell singing it could be made to sound great. There is no need for them to re-record the entire album.

Oh, and they should remix "The Damnation Game" again too. It could use a little polishing as well.
I'm a little dissappointed that they won't be re-recording the s/t. Some of the songs on there (Premonition, Absinthe and Rue, Rapture or Pain) kick so much ass, and would be 100x better with Russell on them.