New Anders Friden Interview

i like Passenger

but as Anders said only open minded In Flames fans will like it. I didn't really like 'Reroute...' because I was comparing it to their previous releases - like 'The Jester Race' which is one of my favourite albums and 'Reroute' just failed in comparison but with Passenger, although it does have some similiar qualities to 'Reroute', I am not comparing it to anything else and I do realize it is a different band.
guys I am really tired of this open-minded shit. accept the fact, that we have different tastes and some of us will like R2R and Passenger, while some of us not.
Depth Charge said:
Ah, nothing like metal elitists. Nobody gives a shit if you won't buy're foolish for not giving it a try. It's excellent.


Just like Deicide doesn't want to make me puke, right?
commandante said:
guys I am really tired of this open-minded shit. accept the fact, that we have different tastes and some of us will like R2R and Passenger, while some of us not.

Exactly man, I thought that when I read one of the above posts. Where does Anders get off assuming that only the "open-minded" In Flames will like Passenger, cause of course if you dont like it your a "close-minded" In Flames fan right? Quit trying to segregate the fans into those "who just cant accept R2R and are thus close-minded" and than "The fans who accept R2R who are OBVIOUSLY clearly open-minded". :rolleyes:
commandante said:
guys I am really tired of this open-minded shit. accept the fact, that we have different tastes and some of us will like R2R and Passenger, while some of us not.
My thoughts exactly when someone said that you will like Reroute to Remain if you open minded.