New Anubis Gate

There last CD, Andromeda Unchained, was their coming out party and it was absolutely killer. They definitely have a Pagan's Mind vibe...and that's a beautiful thing. Really looking forward to the new one. Thanks for the heads up Glenn!!!
This album in amazing..I can't stop listening to it....Ammonia Snow, Out of Time, and Lifetime to Share are insanely awesome...A great, great album

They lost their identity when they lost Torben. New singer is generic...even the music lost it's edge. Too bad...they had something at one time.

I am a huge Torben fan as well. But this album grew on me and now it is one of the strongest purchases for me of 2009. Everything "'Gate" is still there, only better, and the vocals....well they are not Torben but they are good.
Yeah for me they went from decent band with a shit singer to something i can dig.

And for me...a very good band with a very good vocalist who stood out among the tons of singers out generic band with a shit singer. One of us is right. l'm betting on me. ;) This band or wallow in mediocrity/obscurity, fold ,or replace the singer.
sux to be you.

Not really...check out my wench

she looks mean bro! hahaha

ascension, do you ever lighten up? you cant be right or wrong about something thats completely based on opinions. something that it is possible, is to be is a dick though. i wont say ive never been overly negative in the past, i wish i could take alot of things ive said back, but i try to hold back on comments such as "shit singer", while it may be your opinion, its still just not necessary. anubis gate is not so much unlike many of the bands (im assuming you are attending) you will be seeing in september, so in a way you are talking about anubis gates singer how one would expect you to talk about the singer of a lame screamo band or something. idk man, i guess i have no place telling you how to and how not to be, but you come off as a huge dick almost all of the time and i dont see the benefit, especially not on these boards of all places.
blah, blah, blah...

ascension, do you ever lighten up? but i try to hold back on comments such as "shit singer",

If you took the time to read all the posts 1st instead of just would have noticed l wasn't the 1st to mention "shit singer". Now...are you trying to be a dickhead by just jumping me or what?

Kenso said:
i guess i have no place telling you how to and how not to be,

You answered yourself there...give yourself a pat on the back. ;)
Not really...check out my wench

(insert ridiculously huge and unnecessary photo of possibly googled hot lady here)

:rolleyes: damn dude, was that even necessary? this is a music thread not a 'look who Im banging' thread.

I haven't really began to familiarize myself with the stuff that Torben sang on; mainly because I had just heard about them when Andromeda Unchained came out, but I can say I like most of what I've heard from Anubis Gate regardless of who is singing. Diggin the new tune just as much as the other stuff.'re saying this chick likes guys with mediocre musical tastes?

Why? you think you're in with a chance? :)

ascension, do you ever lighten up? you cant be right or wrong about something thats completely based on opinions. something that it is possible, is to be is a dick though. i wont say ive never been overly negative in the past, i wish i could take alot of things ive said back, but i try to hold back on comments such as "shit singer", while it may be your opinion, its still just not necessary.

I think the "shit singer" comment was mine :lol:

I don't mind ascension being a dick...its all a bit of fun at the end of the day.
Musically old Anubis Gate is like a 13 year old girl and new Anubis Gate has blossomed into a fine woman....Ascension likes 13 year old girls....and i like angry looking women with a mediocre musical taste fetish. :)

All good.