New ARTIZAN song streaming


Dec 5, 2009
We have released a new song 'The Man in Black' which will be on the new CD.
The new Artizan album will be available via Pure Steel Records. This project was produced/engineered by Jim Morris (Iced Earth, Death, Crimson Glory, Jag Panzer, etc.)
You can hear the song in it's entirety at the following link:
Thanks for that feedback. "This ruled" is always much appreciated...can't get much better than that. :grin:
Just for clarification...we are not satanic. Someone emailed me suggesting the 'Man in Black' is a reference to the devil- definitely not. 'The man in Black' is simply what I believe to be a natural, therapeutic state I/we go into when we are enraged or in deep pain, not the devil.
Then again, I suppose it can be interpreted any way you like. 8,500 fans and growing...
Tell them it's a reference to Johnny Cash. That oughtta shut 'em up for a while. :heh:

After I wrote that, I actually thought some people would think of the Johnny Cash relation, but you are the first!! NICE.

Johnny was "The Man" ...that is for sure.
We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who has listened and thus joined our facebook page. Right now, we are only 350 fans away from the 10,000 mark on facebook...incredible. Our facebook has been one of the fastest growing metal band pages in the last month. Thanks!
Hey man really good stuff! my band is working on our first album also! Just got a little more inspired thanks!

Rob, Go for it! You can do this. I was originally in a prog/metal band back in the early 90's called 'Leviathan'....from Denver, Colorado. I took a 15 year hiatus, got back into what I am passionate about, and we now have a great record label supporting us, plus a strong, growing fan base. It takes goals, consistency and true vision. One day at a all adds up. Think about how much opportunity there is. But, you have to see it first. No matter how 'successful' you are, no one can take away whatever you create; that is forever :grin: 10,000 fans on facebook and growing...
We would like to say THANK YOU for the tremendous feedback we have received for the new material. Our facebook page has been THE fastest growing melodic-metal page on facebook these past few weeks. We are closing in on 15,000 fans over there. The release date for the new album will be released next weekend. We appreciate Glenn for providing this forum and the continued support for metal. :rock: