NEW AVIAN Ashes and Madness - OUT TODAY!


The Nightmare Has Begun..
I'm only about 3 spins into it, so this is very preliminary. But so far, I'm really loving Into The Other Side, Time and Space Part II, and The Lost and Forsaken.
Got my copy directly from The King himself last Friday at PPUSA IX! Thanks, Lance!:worship:rock::kickass:

give the folks some feedback, yes/ no / sucks / it's killer???
Have you spun it yet?

I'm only about 3 spins into it, so this is very preliminary. But so far, I'm really loving Into The Other Side, Time and Space Part II, and The Lost and Forsaken.

Thanks Jason feel free to post more info ...may it grab you in the cahoonas~
Snagged it this weekend and got through it a couple of times yesterday at work. Not really devoted listens yet, but first impressions are heavy and melodic, and the production is better than the first Avian disc (less "tinny" guitars). So far, so good! :)
I've got a copy directly from Lance as well. I've managed to listen to it at least once, and I thought it kicked ass. Definitely better, production wise, than the first one. I'll have to give it some more spins (but man, I go so many damn other CDs I picked up this weekend that I want to listen to as well, not to mention that been crazy busy at work since I've gotten back. The fucking weekend cannot seem to come fast enough - I really need the rest.)

A big plus is that it does sound really good on my home rig.
I've got a copy directly from Lance as well. I've managed to listen to it at least once, and I thought it kicked ass. Definitely better, production wise, than the first one. I'll have to give it some more spins (but man, I go so many damn other CDs I picked up this weekend that I want to listen to as well, not to mention that been crazy busy at work since I've gotten back. The fucking weekend cannot seem to come fast enough - I really need the rest.)

A big plus is that it does sound really good on my home rig.
It was great meeting you at that exact moment at the Nightmare tables, SkiBum! Enjoy the album! BTW, that new Scelerata CD kicks ASS!:headbang:
give the folks some feedback, yes/ no / sucks / it's killer???
Have you spun it yet?

Thanks Jason feel free to post more info ...may it grab you in the cahoonas~
I actually gave Scelerata a spin first, but AAM will be spun within the next 24 hours and probably more than once, at that.:worship:rock::kickass::cool:
Hi everyone,

Just stopping by to thank those of you that picked up the cd at Progpower and other places this past week. Lance and I truly appreciate your laying down your hard earned cash and we thank you for understanding how important it is for artists like us that you do so.

We’ve pretty much spent the past year working on this and we put our hearts and souls into this and we gave it everything we had. Believe it or not, this is Lance’s first recording in 2 and a half years; that’s got to be a record for him ;-). Many of you know how busy he is and on top of everything else he had to do (running Nightmare Records, festivals, family duties), he worked his ass off as the producer, singer, and keyboardist! (not to mention having to deal with me on a daily basis ;-))

Two HUGE additions to our lineup are Jerry Babcock, our drummer, and Bill Hudson on lead guitar. They took this album to a whole new level and I am very thankful that they believed in this project as much as Lance and I did. This is Jerry’s first recording and believe it or not, this is Bill’s only second full length recording, Cellador being the first.

Although we are eagerly awaiting your thoughts about the cd, we realize that many of you purchased a bunch of other cds and you need some time to listen and enjoy all of your recent purchases. When you get around to listen to Ashes And Madness, feel free to look up this thread and post your thoughts; good or bad ;-).

Those of you in the Minneapolis area, please take note that we will be hosting a cd release party on Saturday 10/25 at the Station 4 nightclub in St. Paul. We will be playing a 90 minute set and we will have Chicago’s own Sacred Dawn as support. We would love to see you all there!
This CD is killer. I have been listening to it pretty much nonstop for the last 3 days. Definitely better (soundwise) than the first, which I loved as well. One of my favorite purchases of the year for sure!
I forgot to mention the fact that the artwork and booklet were done by the great Mattias Noren; one of the last projects that he's done since he had to get a "real" job. Mattias and I spent a lot of time on the art and we'd also like to hear your thoughts on that.

Let's see if anyone can guess what the guy in the mirror with tattoos is all about ;-)
As I told Lance yesterday I am pissed about the CD. Pissed I didn't get more copies, as my daughters and my wife snagged it as soon as I walked in the door and I haven't seen it since, until today, woooohoooooo, I have got to say and with no ass kissing intended, this CD is awesome and has valuted to my #1 position on my top 2008 releases, it is that good. So dark, so haunting, yet so melodic, and heavy. Great work guys, you deserve all the acolades you get and more.
It was great meeting you at that exact moment at the Nightmare tables, SkiBum! Enjoy the album! BTW, that new Scelerata CD kicks ASS!:headbang:

Ohhhh, I remember you! Yeah, that was cool. That Scelerata CD is really good. I've already had it, thus why I didn't buy it there. But oh yeah, try to get a chance to listen to that Avian disk. It really is quite good.

Good meeting you and enjoy your new acquisitions!
I bought the Avian debut blind (something I rarely do any more) because I'm a huge fan of Lance's vocals. Overall, I found it to be a somewhat disappointing release. Listening to it felt a little like driving an eight cylinder sports car which is firing on only five cylinders. The effort, on some level which I could never quite put my finger on, felt underpowered.

I probably would have waited to hear the new disc in its entirety before plunking down my cash, but the five minute teaser on the Nightmare Records web site intrigued me enough to take a chance. Suffice it to say, this effort surpasses the debut by leaps and bounds. The songwriting, the performances and the production have all improved dramatically. The riffing, which on the debut sounded somewhat restrained, has been unleashed on Ashes & Madness and really works against Lance's soaring vocals.

Highly recommended for fans of well crafted Power Metal.

Since I wasnt at PPUSA I snatched a copy from Impulse Music. More to come as I spin it this weekend!
Finally got around to listening to this masterpiece.... this was money well spent. Thanks for the recommendation, Lance!

:headbang: :kickass:

Yep, love it! I put a bunch of my ProgPower acquisitions in a playlist to shuffle them. When “The Lost and Foresaken” came on, I had to stop what I was doing to see what track it was. Very cool! :headbang:
This new Avian disc is KILLER! It's a 9.75/10 in my book of metal after a full spin. It was more than worth the wait! This is my most favorite disc that LK has ever been a part of! You truly are getting better with age, Lance! Hail! This CD is better than the last Avian album, and I wasn't sure before if that would be possible, but it's been done! Brilliant new material from this awesome progressive power metal band! (I also LOVE the positive spiritual message in the lyrics, as well.)