New Band I Just Heard

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
There is this new band i heard, called Nevermore, anyone heard of them? there guitar player, i think his name is jeffie lemmings or something, awesome guitar player, and another rythem guitar player named Agent Smyth...

just wanting to know if anyone else has heard of this band Nevermore, i think i like them alot!
DreamNeonBlack said:
Isn't that the band with Warren Dane as the singer?
He was always crying about the government and stuff.
I think they are an emo band.

LMAO! lol my side hurts i cant stop laughing about that someone help me!:D
DreamNeonBlack said:
Isn't that the band with Warren Dane as the singer?
He was always crying about the government and stuff.
I think they are an emo band.

Yeah, and he's always going on and on about expanding his fucking consciousness or some shit. What a lamer.