New band looking for feedback on its music :)


Jun 3, 2004
Hey everyone,

I'm from a new band, can't tell you the exact genre 'cause ... quite frankly I don't know.

It's some kind of melodic metal with some prog, power and thrash influences. We're still working out the details with that :grin:

Anyway, we need oppinions about our music ... to know whether we're headed in the right dirrection or not. Our demo is available for download on If you do decide to listen to us, try to listen to the music not the recording quality. The demo is home-made, and it's only purpose was for it to get us some gigs (and it worked :grin: ).

Really really awaiting feedback, from you guys. In Romania, the public's reaction was more than awesome, however, we're interested into a more "worldwide" feedback type thing.

All the best to everyone,
Stay metal,
Andy - NeXuS
Thanks for the reply Claire, wasn't sure anyone would read this thread :grin:

I'm into graphics too, most of the pics there are really ok, I like 'em.

Do you charge for creating cd artwork or you do it as a hobby ? Really interested (for our demo). I don't have enough time to do it :(
