New bands


Sep 3, 2003
Leeds, UK
I just checke dout all the new bands that have been confirmed for bloodstock next year, if you dont know who they are its,

White Buffalo
Balance of Power

Some of this sounds pretty promising, looks like were shaping up for a good year... mind you White Buffallo look and sound suspiciously like Pearl Jam... dubious...
Infobia, Balance Of Power and Fourwaykill I can personally highly recommend. Not sure about the others as yet but I will check them out. I must also stress that I think Pearl Jam are a complete sack of shite. However last time a bloodstock band was said to have sounded like Pearl Jam (Fifthmandown) I thought they were ok and sounded nothing like them.
I've just checked out Cruachan and from the MP3 at their site I downloaded they sound very promising indeed. I hope that they've sent a lot promo stuff to Vince so that he can forward it on to the Rock Soc members, especially me!

I will check out White Buffalo tomorrow night and comment later.
i downloaded a few tracks from white buffalo yesturday and they wernt really my cup of tea and there is a pearl jam feel about them.
Cruachan,4Wk,Balance Of Power and Infobia are a very welcome addition to the bill :grin:
Will be good to see 4WK again. Saw them when they came down to Cardiff and they were ace. Balance of Power and also great and I look forward to seeing Cruachan (who sound extremelly promising) and infobia who I unfortunately missed last time round. I'll hold judgement on White Buffalo until i've seen them live though because what I listened to this morning sounded a bit dubious with definite whiffs of Pearl Jam. All in all, great so far but I still can't wait to find out who's headlining this time round :)
Eagle said:
However last time a bloodstock band was said to have sounded like Pearl Jam (Fifthmandown) I thought they were ok and sounded nothing like them.
*Cough* I dunno who compared them to Pearl Jam, but they were way off base. I enjoyed Fifthmandown a lot, and like you I consider Pearl Jam to be a sack 'o shite.