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Hell Bent For Leather!
Feb 23, 2002
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So, can we have his opinion on which Final Fantasy is best? :saint:

Resident Evil is cool too, good choices there.
It's tough to pick which one is best, as they are all great in there own way, but i gess i'd go with VII as that has the most depth and was the first one i really got into. VIII is also cool, X looked and played great, but was too easy to finish. I haven't got around to finishing X-2 yet, been busy trying to lurn intense bass lines! I'll get there one day;-)!!!
Junctioning take a bit of gettinbg used to? :D That's always the most common hiccup people have, it seems. I the materia system, once you understand it it's no problem but at first it's so daunting and your brain just kinda goes "Huh, fuck this!". I also found drawing magic from bad dudes constantly was so bloody tiresome, and to get any decent stat increases you had to go for the really rare if you wanted to keep those increases you couldn't really use them in battles :loco: christalive...

Glad to see FF7 as a #1 choice :cool: I think anyone who played that first has it at #1, it's an unforgettable experience. Not played FF9? Damn, that game's incredible...
I only have one word on the subject of video games:


Halo Halo Halo, Halo Halo. (Halo.) Halo! Halo! Halo Halo Halo Haloooooooo!!!

(Not that I'm obsessed or anything!) I've completed it numerous times - including on Legendary, but I still can't stop playing it. In fact, the only thing that will stop me is Halo2 coming out in November!
Now I have to admit that Halo online is the sole (and I do mean sole) reason I got broadband. I'm not normally a fan of the FPS genre, but I'm in agreement with Nick that Halo online is the greatest game ever invented by anyone, ever. If Halo 2 can top it, I wil be gobsmacked....
Muppet said:
Now that's odd, as I felt that FF9 was a real let down after FF8, whilst FFX restores my faith in the brilliance of the series. Get what you mean about drawing majic to junction, though.
A common complaint about FF9 seems to be the fairy-tale storyline...all happy happy joy joy. That ring true? That was one of my favourite aspects of it personally...

Nick, don't suppose you're following that online series thing based on Halo? Apparently uses movies of the game with dubbed dialogue and is v v funny? One of my mates was telling me about it awhile back, sounds...interesting.
I've never played any of the FF games, but in response to your original post I hate Resident Evil, the game scares the fooking bejesus outta me!! I'm talking about the graphically amazing remake on the Gamecube though!
What's so good about res evil is that it scares the shit out of you!! The only reason i got a gamecube was for the remake and RE-0 (which was a let down by the way). I have RE 1, 2, nemises and directors cut on PS1, all great games. Although I didn't like the survivor games much. Silent hill should get a mention for scaring the shit too.

I have FF9, i thought that the style/look of the game went back to some of the earlyer games, 4 and 5 mostly, wasn't bad, but just seemed like a better version of an older game.

I have an x-box for halo only!! That is a cool game for a first person shooter, which like muppet i don't normally go for. Can't wait for halo 2, the only reason i haven't sold my x-box yet!!
stephen-intense said:
What's so good about res evil is that it scares the shit out of you!! The only reason i got a gamecube was for the remake and RE-0 (which was a let down by the way). I have RE 1, 2, nemises and directors cut on PS1, all great games. Although I didn't like the survivor games much. Silent hill should get a mention for scaring the shit too.

err well i'm a bit of a puff :D I dunno, just the graphics, music, atmosphere and all that stuff, made me feel really uneasy, I still love playing it it's just that sometimes I genuinely get scared. Told you I was a puff :D
Heheheh! I don't think I've played a Resident Evil game in the dark on my own for five or six years...didn't like that too much. Used to be the same with Doom too :oops:

I need to get another copy of Resi 2...loved that one cos it was so easy! I started playing the Gamecube version of the original but I couldn't get the hang of the clunky controls. Just fighting the zombies was a bit tricky so I didn't fancy my chances at all with the Hunters. I hate that bit in the original where you come back into the mansion and have to go through three corridors with six hunters in them just to get one sodding thing sorted out. Worst bit of the game by a mile!
hehe yeah the controls got me fustrated at first but I got used to them so it wasnt a problem, the only thing thatpissed me off was the dam camera angles! I'm glad Resi Evil 4 hasnt got set cameras.