screw this I'm gonna listen to it now at work, I'm dll the damn much hype already on the board, i can't take it anymore.
screw this I'm gonna listen to it now at work, I'm dll the damn much hype already on the board, i can't take it anymore.
that would be me
you do a great job on the song warrel! Did you contribute to the lyrics too?
nope Nergal just sent me the lyrics with a rough vocal guide track and asked me to add some melody... I love that song if not just for the mere fact that FINALLY a band that I listen to and love asked me to do guest vox, instead of the fucking onslaught of horrible power metal bands that always try to get me to do guest vox
at the music store, when it'll be out. What's wrong with you kids nowadays? Can't you just go by the rules? It's not like they're that restricting. Patience is a virtue obviously not a lot of people has.
edit: hehe, this board has lately turned into a leaked album discussion forum.
true, ill usually downlaod a song or two and see if I want it.