New Between the Buried and Me song...

Starts off pretty damn good, although that stop and go riff is overused. Ok, blast beats and tremelo come pretty spontaneously, and then we have a stop and go riff. Another chugga chugga fest, and a totally RANDOM clean vocal part for 2 seconds...oh damn, that break is terrible...

These guys try too damn hard. You can still be original if you find something that works and stick with it.
Yeah, their songwriting is damn disjointed. Wanna go ride bikes? It's like they have one cool idea, and then they have to throw in a shitload of random riffage and stuff. Red peanut butter would be cool. So, J-P's totally right. Horny sheep.

However, the fact remains that I love this band, and upon hearing this song I violently came all over my LCD monitor.

BTBAM = :headbang:

I'm anonymousnick2001 and I approve of this song.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Yeah, their songwriting is damn disjointed

The reason BtBaM are so appealing in a genre full of crap is because of their extremely disjointed structures and random ideas that some how work. Without that I know I'd lose all interest in them.

Good song btw.
Jean-Pierre said:
These guys try too damn hard. You can still be original if you find something that works and stick with it.

I'm almost absolutely sure that the only "original" thing left to do in music is combine styles.

But actually, that's one of the more linear, normal BTBAM songs I've ever heard. After the first part there's really not a single style change for the rest of the song. I don't know what the fuck everyone is talking about, unless they consider time changes to be "random". The first part is awesome though, I've always said they need to use lead guitar more just cause the guitarist is awesome.

Good song. Hoping the new album is better than the last one.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Yeah, their songwriting is damn disjointed. Wanna go ride bikes? It's like they have one cool idea, and then they have to throw in a shitload of random riffage and stuff. Red peanut butter would be cool. So, J-P's totally right. Horny sheep.

However, the fact remains that I love this band, and upon hearing this song I violently came all over my LCD monitor.

BTBAM = :headbang:

I'm anonymousnick2001 and I approve of this song.
hahahaha o man, lets give credit where credit's due, that was pretty clever and funny
Wow, i was impressed, it was much better then i thought it would be, the intro is solid and i liked the outro too, the middle was kinda messy, but ill check the album out, as soon at it comes out.
ehhh i didnt hear any emo in there.. sounds like metal to me...

i saw them live like 5 months ago.. I think they got a new lead guitarist (or did they?) but anyways I was watching him live and he was so damn amazing... their songs are quite hard to play