New bit of oddness from me


Apr 19, 2009
I havent quite arranged this yet, I was wondering if it sounded ok. Could use some ideas on arrangement, this is an old song I'm trying to 'redo' and make it more complex and change around some stuff. I was maybe thinking of getting a sneapster to do vocals over this when it is done, but this may be a bit left field for some people here, I don't know. Anyway, please let me know any ideas or gaffs I could stand to change so far, thanks it is mucho appreciated.

2nd version:
Sweet stuff dude, guitar tone brings the serious sludge, and I dig the riffing - I do feel the guitars could use slightly more treble (upper mids specifically, but that usually seems to be the frequency controlled by the treble knob), and the kick seems to be clipping on every hit (toms too), so it's got a pretty fatiguing harshness to the attack (and I wouldn't mind a bit less "tick-tick", but that might not be a problem without the clipping). Snare could come up as well IMO, it's pretty buried. Really cool atmospheric riffing though dude, I dig the song a lot :headbang: I assume this is Addictive drums?
Thanks for commenting man you're the only one who digs it hahah, yeah I was pushing the kick and toms way too hard (yeah it is AD, although I am considering switching to MF eventually). Revised version with changes:

There's a lead guitar fuck-up near the end I still need to re-record guitars over, among the loads of other shit needs to be worked on ...:loco:
Holy shit what was that?! It sounds überbrutal. I absolutely dig it, Mike. It´s unique and very creative. What did you use for the rythm guitars?

Lextac and LeCab with GuitarHack's Fredman Angled & Straight impulses, then a mighty carving of eq. T'was an emg 81/Ibby s series.
lol I need to get you that photoshop stuff...:zombie:
Lextac and LeCab with GuitarHack's Fredman Angled & Straight impulses, then a mighty carving of eq. T'was an emg 81/Ibby s series.
lol I need to get you that photoshop stuff...:zombie:

Awesome! It´ll be a pleasure helping you out with vocals & stuff then. Dude, no sweat. I understand, you´re working on your music - that´s always priority. It´d be cool, if you can send me the desert theme in original size, when you find time.

Edit: A friend of mine, Martin (the guy who´ll make the myspace) will send you an email today about what we´ll exactly need for realizing the page.
this sounds really cool and i really like the riffs. One prob i have had with lextac is its too loose on chugs. That snare makes me really flacid though. Maybe try a different one, but thats just my taste personally