Remix/redux song I did for somebody w/ female vocals


Apr 19, 2009
How you doing? Welp, new here and I'm posting a song I worked on for someone, I did all the music and production for it. It's not quite metal and it's got chickrock female vocals in it but I tried to inject as much teh HaRd MeTuLz as I could with anybody getting annoyed heh. It's just a remix, they dont mind too much. Anyway, please let know any suggestions you may have if listening. There are definitely some gaffs in it and I can never seem to find a snare or piano sound I like, but it's not going on a cd or anything so it's not a big thing. right on keep it real

Here's the latest update of the song:
sounds cool, i really like the girl's voice!
i think i hear some dissonantnotes around 0:20-0:30,
the drums are really confusing,
i think a really straight, decent beat would have worked better.

the overall mix is kinda muddy.

Very very good! Atmosphere is perfect! Mix could use a little more defintion and clarity... but not much her voice is the focus point and thats perfect! I really wish this was a band I would buy this in a heartbeat!
sounds cool, i really like the girl's voice!
i think i hear some dissonantnotes around 0:20-0:30,
the drums are really confusing,
i think a really straight, decent beat would have worked better.

the overall mix is kinda muddy.


I'll go through and see what's causing the dissonance, I'm betting the background vox notes clash with the piano. I'm always quite torn as to how much 'drum flash' to add in as well, and you're right this song probably doesnt need that much noodling. I will try to brighten up the mix also, thanks sir!!

Very very good! Atmosphere is perfect! Mix could use a little more defintion and clarity... but not much her voice is the focus point and thats perfect! I really wish this was a band I would buy this in a heartbeat!

Hahaha, well maybe someday if I can get my shit together proper.

I really like it, its different yet familiar... good job!

I disagree. :)

Thanks man! :kickass:

I even love it. Awesome job, mate!

Though´s a dissonant tone, maybe the bass. Do you know, what I mean?

You are too kind sir!! Some of the lower bass notes are probably off by a semitone, will correct this, and thanks again!
You are too kind sir!! Some of the lower bass notes are probably off by a semitone, will correct this, and thanks again!

Very welcome, dude! Keep us updated about this song´s progress. Will there be more songs in this style? I like the female singer and how she´s supported from the music.
I sure will, Felix, tommorrow I will post a new version. Yeah I do have like 4 more songs that are basically entire backing track reduxes with different people singing on each. Shannon is on two of them, one being the reason for this thread. here's a completely different song (and girl singing):
still working on it, obviously a very rough 'writing' version basically but I did all of it sans vocals (and some of the more dubby sounding vocal delay fx). Many changes to be done still. :) Normally I wouldnt do this girly shit, heh. I try to make it as enjoyable for burly metal dudes as I can lol. I really dont know if it will end up with heavy guitars or not. rock on up the irons!!
Like it alot! I really like her voice.
Cool production also. Great job!

I must say that I don't think it needs any heavy guitars, neither of the songs. They are lovely with just some synths and ambience going on and they would be cool with some nice drumbeats/loops to.
Masterbeast how the heck are you sitting the vocals so perfect (besides her amazing voice)!! Can I ask what your chain is and what processing you do? It's absolutely perfect to my ears! And please keep pumping this stuff out I found a new person to follow their work :)
Masterbeast how the heck are you sitting the vocals so perfect (besides her amazing voice)!! Can I ask what your chain is and what processing you do? It's absolutely perfect to my ears! And please keep pumping this stuff out I found a new person to follow their work :)

To be honest I have no clue what microphone or mic pre they used on any vocal tracks (and that's a huge part of it actually), in the mix I try to keep vox roughly +3db above the snare. then just comp >eq> -send- >delay> reverb with softer vocals you dont need to smash them so much with a comp, so I use about a 4:1 ratio 12-19ms attack w/ auto-release on & some light saturation. Nothing special really, I thought I was the amateur here lol.
Hey Mike, sounds really damn good dude - the ambience is really fantastic and well balanced, though I do feel the ghost note at the end of most of the snare hits is a bit distracting, might wanna lower the velocity on that (I assume it's programmed). I also feel the guitars could be a bit more scooped and have a bit more brightness, a touch of mid overload when they come in, but it's not terrible. I really like the polyrhythms in the music between the drums, piano, vocal melodies, etc., very mesmerizing and eery; overall really well-done man!
Hey Mike, sounds really damn good dude - the ambience is really fantastic and well balanced, though I do feel the ghost note at the end of most of the snare hits is a bit distracting, might wanna lower the velocity on that (I assume it's programmed). I also feel the guitars could be a bit more scooped and have a bit more brightness, a touch of mid overload when they come in, but it's not terrible. I really like the polyrhythms in the music between the drums, piano, vocal melodies, etc., very mesmerizing and eery; overall really well-done man!

You pinpointed something that was bothering me about the song, it was that damn ghost note! I went through the drum track and did alot of velocity tweaks, most of the downbeat snare hits are higher and that ghost is way lower. Also scooped out the guitar mids a little bit around 500hz, hope that sounds better, if not I can lower them a bit more.

Thank you sir, I appreciate you lending your ears! :Smokin::kickass:

At the start, you should try to add plenty of reverb on the snare hit and cut it as soon as the next kick hits. That would create an incredible effect in my opinion.

I added a little more verb to it, may need more though. was a bit dry indeed.

I can't comment on the mix properly since I'm on cheap headphones, but loving the style, arrangements and the atmosphere. great work!

Right on, glad you like man!

I also think I eradicated most of the dissonances, and added a couple of new chords to the changes that should really have been there to begin with :lol:. Also brightened up the eq on many of the instruments as well. It probably needs some scaling back on the kick hits near the beginning, might be a little much. And now here's the new version with the changes mentioned: