New Blaze Bayley (without Andy???)


Jan 23, 2006
Blabbermouth says that Blaze will produce his new album... but it doesn't say where will it be recorded.
His last DVD was so fucking great that I can't wait to hear the new album, but... if it's without Andy... :erk:

Any info?
Blabbermouth says that Blaze will produce his new album... but it doesn't say where will it be recorded.
His last DVD was so fucking great that I can't wait to hear the new album, but... if it's without Andy... :erk:

Any info?

Im actually tracking the new album with blaze. As stated in the press release apparently Im engineering it and Blaze is Producing it..

Larry the drummer has been doing a diary of the sessions hes been involved with

All the drums were tracked here

and everything else is being done at my place..

Im very aware Ive got some big shoes to fill on this one but were all happy with how its going so far..As you can imagine its a very different sounding about to the last few.

Hard time eh Elmucho'A Good Hat Is Hard To Find'escadawg? ;)
Can you tell me something about you? Your name, previous works and everything you think is important?
Thank you very much in advance!

Hard time eh Elmucho'A Good Hat Is Hard To Find'escadawg? ;)

Yep thats me and no its wasnt an 'Im so cool pose' at all I also dont know where any of the nicknames in his blog came from...

Wow who am I and what have I done..

Im afraid to say I dont have a huge track record or CV at all. Ive done loads of recordings for years with small local bands and in the last year or so have just got lucky and been involved with some bigger albums.

I did some overdubs on the new more I see album coming out soon. Just some solos, vocal bits and some rhythm guitars.

Ive done some mixing for a band called addiction crew whos seem to do ok in Italy and Japan.

Ive mixed live records for Crass and Fields of The Nephilim in the last year as well.

To be honest Ive done much more as a live engineer and am only really recently heading back to studio stuff but I got the Blaze gig because Ive been doing front of house sound for him.
Guys, don't be so tough on Brett! As you should know, he can't do anything about it, because everyone knows "french" is rather a disease than a nationality. :p
See what youve done Brett this thread was about me!!! And you and your frenchness has gone and stolen my glory and made it about you instead now
Jesus christ is she beautiful, and there were many more where that came from when I was in Paris this summer (though I gotta say, on the subway there was some serious body odor, including coming from an otherwise slammin' broad I was sitting next to - so there's one stereotype at least partially verified! :heh: ). Also, I gotta say I'm not a big fan of French food; too fatty, and I thought the portions were too small (French women may not get fat as a result, but for a 21-year-old like me who has to eat every 3 hours or I'm a menace, I'd look anorexic living over there!)
Oh right, this thread is about Blaze Bayley - Elmucho, kudos to you for landing the gig, and best of luck to you in future ventures! Can't wait to hear it...
Jesus christ is she beautiful, and there were many more where that came from when I was in Paris this summer (though I gotta say, on the subway there was some serious body odor, including coming from an otherwise slammin' broad I was sitting next to - so there's one stereotype at least partially verified! :heh: ). Also, I gotta say I'm not a big fan of French food; too fatty, and I thought the portions were too small (French women may not get fat as a result, but for a 21-year-old like me who has to eat every 3 hours or I'm a menace, I'd look anorexic living over there!)

Totally off topic but this is SO true. Hahah.