New Blind Guardian. FFFFFFFUUUUUU...

Finally they posted something. Blind Guardian have been my favorite band for almost 10 years now, I can't fucking wait for this, and I'm certain it will be better than the last one. I think with that one they wanted to experiment and get some shit out of their system, now it sounds like they are hungry again and ready to prove they are still the kings of traditional/power metal. Fuck yeah.
I hope its better than that last one

it wasn't that great and I fucking LOVE these guys


I wish they come up with something more aggressive and a bit less pompous. I mean, Nightfall In Middle Earth and A Night At The Opera are great, but Imaginations From The Other Side just slays. The vocals on Mordred´s Song and Bright Eyes are among the most powerful I´ve ever heard.
Everybody loves Imaginations... am i the only one that thinks Tales from the Twilight World and Somewhere far Beyond are their best albums?
I discovered this band with Follow The Blind, 20 years ago, the song VALHALLA from that album was fucking epic. Since then is one of my top 5.
One of my bands is called VALHALLA for that song.
Everybody loves Imaginations... am i the only one that thinks Tales from the Twilight World and Somewhere far Beyond are their best albums?
I discovered this band with Follow The Blind, 20 years ago, the song VALHALLA from that album was fucking epic. Since then is one of my top 5.
One of my bands is called VALHALLA for that song.

"Tales" & "Somewhere" are great albums absolutely ... for me though, I discovered them when "Imaginations" came out and there was no going back for me, especially by the time "Nightfall" came out ... that album is just ... I got no words for that one :worship:

But "Imaginations" pulled me right the fuck in as soon as I started playing it :headbang:
Holy shit! Even the demo tracks sounded great already. I hope they´ll not overproduce it. Nightfall was on the border being overproduced..and Night at the opera overstepped it :( But that´s just my opinion.
This new material sounds very promising after the disappointments of the last two records. Somewhere Far Beyond was my favorite for a long time but Imaginations... has quietly crept into the top spot. Nightfall In Middle Earth is a brilliant concept album even though it kind of started to take the band to the ridiculous 100+ tracks/song direction on the next record.
Holy shit! Even the demo tracks sounded great already. I hope they´ll not overproduce it. Nightfall was on the border being overproduced..and Night at the opera overstepped it :( But that´s just my opinion.

No man.That's the truth:)

I can't stand ''night at the opera'' because they tried to make it HUGE on purpose.

While nightfall and imaginations sound huge cause they are just brilliant on their own.

Tales and Somewhere are pure kickass albums (ffs , the production ,for their budget and the year they released it, is really fucking good)
And imo at the time the were the only band capable of combining the current metal trends, which were thrash/heavy/speed/power/epic, and they did it with a BANG.

(no i don't stick in labels and genres)
(no i don't wear tight pants)
(yes i listen to modern stuff)
I am not a big fan of the band but I have their Dvd wich it´s really good dvd. Their more orchestral stuff it´s boring IMO but they have great songs like Banish from Sanctuary, Valhalla, Welcome to Dying, Imaginations from the Other Side e.t.c
No man.That's the truth:)

I can't stand ''night at the opera'' because they tried to make it HUGE on purpose.

While nightfall and imaginations sound huge cause they are just brilliant on their own.


Unfortunately I didn´t get any friendship with the last BG record. I dunno...on "night at the opera" at least there are some good songs (under the ice :worship:) imo, but the last record has failed growing on me. What is your opnion about "A Twist in the myth"?

Unfortunately I didn´t get any friendship with the last BG record. I dunno...on "night at the opera" at least there are some good songs (under the ice :worship:) imo, but the last record has failed growing on me. What is your opnion about "A Twist in the myth"?

Twist is for me like Opera, not better not worse. I think these 2 albums need more listenings than the rest. I would rate last albums as 8/10, while the other 10/10... well... Batallions Of Fear 6/10 and Follow The Blind 7/10.

As you said felix, overproduction sucks, and also the ultrahigh pitch singing of Hansi in tha last years. I don't no why he tries to do such high screamings... he can sing much better in a more confortable pitch as he did in the past.
As you said felix, overproduction sucks, and also the ultrahigh pitch singing of Hansi in tha last years. I don't no why he tries to do such high screamings... he can sing much better in a more confortable pitch as he did in the past.

I agree, Jevil. I´m not a friend of his high screams, too. My fave still is Nightfall, it has an awesome atmosphere and I liked the idea of the Tolkien´s Silmariliion concept :)