New Booking Agency...

Apr 25, 2004
Oxfordshire, UK
"This will have a big impact on the future and seriously increase Katatonia's live activities. Many gigs are planned to follow the release of the new album and 2006 is probably gonna be our most busy year so far, but that's exactly how we (and hopefully you) want it to be."

:o :goggly: :kickass:
This can only be good news for us all!!!
I hope this means a headliner tour in Europe as the last time or better!
No support slot for Kata
may this be a way to get Katatonia knew and appreciated to lots of people that still haven't found them.. since we all know how g00d they are and how mutch they diserve it.

ah yeah.. and one day would be really cool to see Katatonia comming to Brazil.. i would travel all this huge country to catch them in any city and on every single show!
burton said:
I've said this in every tour topic, and no matter how futile it is every time, I'm going to say it again.


And every time I see you say it I tell you...Wisconsin needs it more. Hawaii doesnt deserve it:grin: