New Brainstorm

I've been playin the crap out of this album the last week, I love it. The added keyboard/orchestral presence is quite nice...not overwhelming at all, just accentuates. Some of these choruses are seriously catchy. I should have the ltd.ed. "jakebox" soon :)
This cd rocks!!! They are back with a vengeance!!!!Andy sounds better than ever!!!

Not to fond of the Assassins Creed rip off on the cover art but its all good, I love that game too!!!

Ever since the release of Metus Mortis I've been waiting for Brainstorm to take things to the next level musically. Clearly, that's not going to happen. Brainstorm is either incapable of anything more than solid, generic Power Metal, or is uninterested in pushing their creative boundaries. I suspect the truth lies somewhere in between.

Downburst is solid, sometimes fun, but consistently generic. I'll probably pick it up because I want to support the band, but I suspect it will collect dust and get lost in my collection.

Ever since the release of Metus Mortis I've been waiting for Brainstorm to take things to the next level musically. Clearly, that's not going to happen. Brainstorm is either incapable of anything more than solid, generic Power Metal, or is uninterested in pushing their creative boundaries. I suspect the truth lies somewhere in between.

Downburst is solid, sometimes fun, but consistently generic. I'll probably pick it up because I want to support the band, but I suspect it will collect dust and get lost in my collection.


I agree for the most part, but this album is a return to former glory in my opinion, its so much more than the generic power metal of their last few albums and has some hell of catchy hooks. Definitely their best album since Ambiguity in my opinion.

I agree for the most part, but this album is a return to former glory in my opinion, its so much more than the generic power metal of their last few albums and has some hell of catchy hooks. Definitely their best album since Ambiguity in my opinion.
I use the term "generic" less as a measure of quality, but as a comment on originality. I don't think they have a sound here that screams "Brainstorm". When I listen to this disc, there's little in their sound that distinguishes them as a unique outfit, other than Andy's voice.

Brainstorm is one of these bands I consider "comfort food". You know what you get on each album. No real surprises each time you listen to them, but you like what you hear and you come back again and again.

Nothing earthshattering, but at the same time you crank the volume and throw horns when you listen to them.
I am not really crazy about Downburst, to be honest with you. It was 7.5/10 upon first spin and I haven't played it since. Very unmemorable on first liste. Nothing at all stands out to me as I try to recall what I heard on this CD. I can't remember any of it right now. Liquid Monster was a different experience altogether, though. LM was a 9.75/10 upon irst listen and still is tol this day. I'll give DB one more spin to be fair.
Brainstorm is one of these bands I consider "comfort food". You know what you get on each album. No real surprises each time you listen to them, but you like what you hear and you come back again and again.

Nothing earthshattering, but at the same time you crank the volume and throw horns when you listen to them.
Very true.:kickass:
Here is what I posted on the PM Rising Board ( about the new Brainstorm disc...........

I did not buy or listen to Liquid Monster based on the posts here.....if this one is better than LM, then obviously I don't need it ---

However -- at first, I was about to write off Andy and the boys because this is a really short, song-oriented disc that comes nowhere near the power and glory of Soul Temptation. So I just put it on, and told myself I was going to have fun with it. And I did. It's a good disc -- nothing special although Brainstorm writes some of the best power ballads out there..... (track 5 slays).

They have slowed it down a bit -- much to my liking, although there are a couple of obligatory faster than light double bass songs ..... production is still there compliments of Sascha and Miro -- but missing is the CHUNK and BALLS I love about this band. If I was blindfolded, and didn't know who this was, I'd say "Judas Priest got in bed with Helloween for the night".... the songs are shorter, more to the point, and it just seems a little anti-climatic as the band moves along in years. Andy sounds great as usual, I think the guy gets better with age.

Its definitely a keeper -- but its now time to make an awesome compilation disc from Brainstorm. The next disc could be the end of the BS run for me -- as I said, I've shelved Symphorce forever ( yeah I know some of you guys like the last 2 discs uggggh), and I'm hoping not to shelve BS.

Fun disc for sure though........
This is one of my favorite cd's of the year so completely rocks!!! Blows the last three Brainstorm albums away in my opinion.

This is one of my favorite cd's of the year so completely rocks!!! Blows the last three Brainstorm albums away in my opinion.

I think it's much better than the last disc, Liquid Monster, but I don't think it's quite as good as Soul Temptation or Metus Mortis. Still though .. I'm happy .. this is a quality disc.
