New Candlemass


Feb 11, 2002
Found this new song from Candlemass on youtube from their forthcoming CD Psalms For The Dead. Lead guitar is just smokin. Can't wait to hear the whole CD.

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At least they could have brought back "The Messiah" for an encore, nothing against R Lowe

I think Leif would rather shoot himself. From what I've gathered over the years, Messiah is just difficult to work with. Personally (and I know I'm in the minority) I prefer Rob. I just feel he can do more with his voice (and also doesn't look like a goof).
I think Leif would rather shoot himself. From what I've gathered over the years, Messiah is just difficult to work with. Personally (and I know I'm in the minority) I prefer Rob. I just feel he can do more with his voice (and also doesn't look like a goof).

I prefer Lowe over Messiah as well. With that said, I think Lowe's vocals are a tad bit stronger in Solitude Aeturnus, but maybe it's because he was a young man back then...who knows.

This song was the B side of the 1st single and has a very Black Sabbath sound to it. I personally like it, but then again I'm a huge old Sabbath Fan.

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What a great track. I've met Messiah and have enjoyed all the early Candlemass, but the stuff with Rob is great IMO. Wish they would have played Atlanta on the last tour. I think Nashville is as close as they got.

It would be excellent if Candlemass, or Solitude Aeturnus for that matter, could play PP.
The album is not as good as DMD and KotGI IMO. It is a good and solid album though and a fitting end. The final track is completely fucking amazing I will say that though! However the news is that Rob Lowe was not performing well live and has been replaced with Mats Leven. The choice is understandable but I would have preferred Vikstrom or of course the true voice of the band, Messiah, but I guess that had no hope in hell of happening. I reckon the final Candlemass album would have been amazing if Messiah had recorded it but that won't happen now of course.
The album is not as good as DMD and KotGI IMO. It is a good and solid album though and a fitting end. The final track is completely fucking amazing I will say that though! However the news is that Rob Lowe was not performing well live and has been replaced with Mats Leven. The choice is understandable but I would have preferred Vikstrom or of course the true voice of the band, Messiah, but I guess that had no hope in hell of happening. I reckon the final Candlemass album would have been amazing if Messiah had recorded it but that won't happen now of course.

Robert Lowe was not good live? Of course, it was 20 years ago, but the only time I saw him live with Solitude Aeturnus, he was smoking! Lots of range and power. But as I said, 20 years is a lot for singer so maybe he lost it a bit over the years.
I think he forgot lyrics and was not a good fit live maybe a bit unprofessional at times who knows. I saw them with him 5 years ago and he was very good but that was 5 years ago. He sounds great on the new album anyway. Personally I wouldn't bother to go see them with Leven but with Messiah the gig would be an instant sell out believe me!