New Castlevania : Curse of Darkness

Jun 4, 2003
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announced by Konami, a new adventure is awaiting , new storyline, lets see what happens.

consoles are immoral as they are dedicated to gaming as opposed to being useful, also because they take truly great games like deus ex and dumb their sequels down for poxy console versions
Making people spend $300 on a new graphics card, every time some shitty FPS comes out, is immoral.

Also, no Ninja Gaiden = gay.

In summary:

consoles >>>> arcades >> Ouija boards >>>>>>>>>>> Monopoly >>>>> playing with someone elses balls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC gaming

And that's the fucking fact!
I feel a bit bongled about how i've missed so many games that have come out in recent years, i used to play them constantly on a few systems. But now I'm more into looking at tits and arse on the internet hence not as much of an urge to play video games. it's a shame, but I hope to get back into it, especially with this new PSP, that looks fabulous, wow how techology has advanced in such a relatively short space of time.
arcades >> Ouija boards >>>>>>>>>>> Monopoly >>>>> playing with someone elses boobies>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PCgaming>>>>>>>>>>>consoles>>>>>>>>>>>>internet chatting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>seeing tits and ass on the internet

and there you have it roughly, that's why i don't play computer games much anymore :(
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
Making people spend $300 on a new graphics card, every time some shitty FPS comes out, is immoral.

Also, no Ninja Gaiden = gay.

In summary:

consoles >>>> arcades >> Ouija boards >>>>>>>>>>> Monopoly >>>>> playing with someone elses balls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC gaming

And that's the fucking fact!

vcr: device connected to tv into which you place a cartridge and then stare at the telly, drooling

console: same as above but add frantic twiddling of thumbs

console= brain dead crackas
Andy_2003 said:
I feel a bit bongled about how i've missed so many games that have come out in recent years, i used to play them constantly on a few systems. But now I'm more into looking at tits and arse on the internet hence not as much of an urge to play video games. it's a shame, but I hope to get back into it, especially with this new PSP, that looks fabulous, wow how techology has advanced in such a relatively short space of time.

ah don't worry, it's just a phase in the process of growing up - soon you'll evolve into paying for porn sites and webcam chicks to take off their clothes and put bananas into their bodies - yada yada yada - and then you find yourself in Cambodia exploiting a fine collection of teenage whores - the future looks bright :wave:
Alwin said:
ah don't worry, it's just a phase in the process of growing up - soon you'll evolve into paying for porn sites and webcam chicks to take off their clothes and put bananas into their bodies - yada yada yada - and then you find yourself in Cambodia exploiting a fine collection of teenage whores - the future looks bright :wave:

sounds good man, can't i get those teenage whores in Holland?? when shall i come over???