New CD


Nov 20, 2003
London Uk
Hi Jasun
Just been reading what you written over on the perpetual motion board; I am really so exicted about the new disc this is going to slay; as regards to prog metal as long as there cats like yourself the music scene is far from dead and still retains its creative edge. As always you guys rule
Thanks so much Spatch and Kenneth and you guy's have been great to us, spreading the word about and we so appreciate it.

With your support we're going to keep doing our thing to push awesome product out there for you and ourselves.

Hope you guy's are enjoying the weekend, it's 113 this way.....VERY HOT!!!


95 here! I went mountain biking today, and managed to actually BREAK the chain! hardcore :kickass:

I tried to get my license plate to say ZR0HOUR but somebody else already has it in this state :) Still, everyone I told about you guys has been stoked and say they can't get enough :)
Its pretty hot here as well. Also been spreading the news so if you guys decide to come over we will just give you guys the best response and make sure you rip the place up
That is hardcore bro!!!

Right on Spatch and Kenneth and thank you for telling people about us guy's. Word of mouth is our best PR.

We'd love to get that way and if we get to play that way we'll give you our best.


This message board is sweet. I've recently discovered ZH and I just dig how the fans are connected here. More than that, I love how Jasun (and possibly other band members - I'm new) is connected as well! :OMG: This is awesome - METAL!!! Thanks Jasun, for being responsive to fans. That just makes you guys even more incredible! :kickass: <-- lol.

Oh, and the new CD is going to decimate all weak and "nu-metal" in it's path! rock on...
Jazun, remember Martyna from Poland? She moved in with me, and while reading this thread with me asked me why "Americans count in Fahrenheit". I let her know you guys are barbarians. Still, you should come back here some time!