New Cellador Material!

Well weyhey, good to see there's life in the band. They had potential when I heard their promo back in the MySpace days. Listening to the tracks now you can tell they've fallen for this horrible new wave of american metal sound (not quite Trivium) but it's still got some tasty solos and melodic style. I'm hoping the mixing will had more polish and less tinny reverb.
Ugh they went more metal"core" style. Gay. Still fast paced and not downtuned though. But really this is why America sucks, all we have is rap and the "core" bands. Poor Cellador lost their awesome style...
yea this music is the reason our country sucks

Gotta admit it doesn't sound like classic Cellador other than a moment or two here and there but it's not terrible. If they find the right members to come and fill the music out then it should be good. I do miss Mikey on vocals though...
Why can't we discuss other bands? The PQ board is home to PQ discussion, of course, but the fans here should be able to talk about other bands, too! :P
Steve Williams likes power metal. Cellador is power metal. Therefore I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind us talking about Cellador in his forum. Now don't bring up Arthemis or A New Tomorrow or Red Circuit or something like that because if you say anything bad about them he will find you...
oh... sorry :)
anyways i'm happy that they restarted their material making proccesses..
by the way, would Bill Hudson be in the band's membership of Cellador?