New Cephalic Carnage track

I wanna know why you guys didn't just put Repangaea (Rep-An-Gae-Ah?) first, nobody would be thinking the albums gonna suck then haha.
Fuck, the sax rules. I'm glad they finally incorporated sax more thoroughly, it's been something I've wanted to do, but haven't had the line-up for, so it's nice that they've gone there.

Not digging the vocals though.

Edit: I dig the drone in the 12 minute track with all the strings stuff, but I'm hoping that piano line is a joke hahaha, it's cringeworthy cheese. Quite like it though.

Check out Ishahn's latest solo album. lots of sax + metal
Pan.Thy.Monium nail sax + metal too.
A recommendation for a recommendation and all that :D. I shall check it out.

edit: Album is actually pretty excellent as an ALBUM. Wish I had higher quality though. This myspace rip thats floating around is painful to listen to.
Ordering the vinyl now though.
Had a listen, there were some songs that stood out but there wasn't really anything mindblowing on the first half of the album. Still, it might grow on me.
Finally purchased this, and the production is absolutely brilliant, IMO. Bass, guitars, drums, vocals, EVERYTHING just sounds perfect. I would love to know the chain/process for the distorted bass sound and also the lower gutteral vocals. Was there a boost used for the guitars? What cab/mic? Excellent, excellent job Dave! Only weak track is the one in the OP of this thread, IMO.
Fuck, the sax rules. I'm glad they finally incorporated sax more thoroughly, it's been something I've wanted to do, but haven't had the line-up for, so it's nice that they've gone there.

check out yakuza. they have lots of sax and other wind instruments, and incorporate coltrane esque jazz with grind and a touch of hardcore.

IMMA check out the new cephalic, but I stopped following them after xenosapien. just couldnt get into it.
Got a copy of this now too. Lossless sounds nice, just far too edited.
Also I heard of Yakuza man, haven't checked them out yet, but I love the feel of that guy's sax playing.
Finally purchased this, and the production is absolutely brilliant, IMO. Bass, guitars, drums, vocals, EVERYTHING just sounds perfect. I would love to know the chain/process for the distorted bass sound and also the lower gutteral vocals. Was there a boost used for the guitars? What cab/mic? Excellent, excellent job Dave! Only weak track is the one in the OP of this thread, IMO.

Bump for this...REALLY interested in bass details.
Hey dude, sorry I missed that bit. I'm trying to remember the bass details. I know it was his Warrior bass but he had put new pickups in since Xeno. We used the SIT steel strings he gets through his endorsement. The main portion of tone was a mix of DI and the UAD Preflex tone. I also reamped through his Aguilar rig and blended that in a little.

The distortion part was just a real quick podfarm thing I threw together at the last min for that section.

Guitars was pretty standard fair. Steve's PRS with stock PUs, boosted with my keeley tube screamer, into my 6505, feeding my oversized recto cab with a 57.

Vocals we're all SM7, even the gutters. Those always take a lot of compression and EQ to bring out and it was even more difficult with the SM7. Might go back to the 57 for those next time.

Hope that helps.
Thanks Dave! The album is positively brilliant. Listened to it again tonight. One of the best of 2010 for sure.
god damn, that was disgusting, stopped it when the worm came out...
cool song, love the bass intro with the sax, but the video-call me a pussy,
but that's a little bit to much for me.