New Chidren of Bodhom Fan

I thought everyone gets that what comes out of the mouth of person A is an opinion, not fact or a generalisation.
Because I can't be bothered to add "in my opinion" or "I think" to every fucking sentence. Also, I said "from A guitar players view", not "every guitar player thinks these song suck because--"
Enough of that.

Yes, BBT has "punk chords", but so does every fucking bodom song. At least the chorus doesn't have basic arpeggios, one after another, just for the sake of arpeggios (prechorus/interlude/whatever of Warheart).
The solo may be great but it certainly doesn't save the whole song. OPIONS MAN ONIONS :D
Arguing about music is just dumb in general also. But i'm glad i'm not the only one who digs blooddrunk.
Arguing about music is just dumb in general also. But i'm glad i'm not the only one who digs blooddrunk.

True that.
Yeah, BD is awesome. I just can't believe it took me this long to get what the album is about, but better late than never. I hope I'll grow to like RRF and HOB this much as well.
This gets too confusing when someone talks about how epic a song sounds and feels like, then the guitarists come in and judge everything through musical science, how nice or tricky it is to play.
I has nothing to do if somebody is a musician or not. I prefer the newer albums over the older ones because I like them much more, that's it. I don't say "huh, thats an awesome song because it is tricky to play". That's stupid. If you think SNBN is the best song in the world because it's full of sex, athomsphere, hate, trees, epicness and whatever - fine. But don't say it as a fact because it isn't. As you can see, all people in this thread (except you) think SNBN is nothing more than a solid (or boring) song.
Touch Like Angel of Death (Tokyo Warhearts version)
Kissing the Shadows
Black Widow

Before I continue I'm just going to go ahead and say the first 4 albums.

Nevermind, I'm not continuing. Just the first 4 albums. The other ones are good too, just not my cup of tea.
I dont know, if it works to tell you to check their songs like this.

When i started listening Bodom, I personally had almost every Album and first "We're not Gonna Fall" was my favourite one. But it always switches, i always find a new favourite Song from CoB ;)
After all these years I still think Silent night, Bodom night is one of their best songs. It doesn't have to be complex if a song is composed that good. Melodies, riffs, harmony and the overall feel. If someone wanted to listen Bodom first time and asked me what song to listen, I would probably choose SNBN.