Children of Bodom music \m/


Sep 8, 2003
This song rocks!!

And, know what? I think Children of Bodom should make more songs like this, and like Hatebreeder (the entire album..)
Allright, all their songs is good.. But after MUCH MUCH listening to HCDR i think all over that Hatebreeder is the best / powerful album. Espessially the solos from HB is EXTREMLY nice!

Bed of Razors
Children of Bodom
Black Widow
Angels Don't Kill
Hate Crew Deathroll
Hate Me!
You'r Better of Dead the best CoB songs!

And btw, if CoB is going to make songs likely to Rebel Yell i'll gladly stop listening to them. Because Rebel Yell is one of the badest songs they ever have writed down. Rythm, ok.. Vocal..BAAAAAAAAAAAD!!

Thanks for the attention!
i know... but they said sometime that they are going to be commertial. Dunno, but then they hafta get the clean vocal in every song.. :(
What the fuck?

"Because Rebel Yell is one of the badest songs they ever have writed down."

It's a cover song for christs sake. It's not a fucking sell out if they have clean vocals in a cover song.
I agree with this Shadeg guy. You should remember that Rebel Yell is a song which was released in Japan only and not meant that all people from around the world can listen to it (without getting an expensive import of the Best Of). Maybe Japanese people like such songs more than other people do and I don't think that Rebel Yell would ever be a bonus track for the European version of the next album. You shouldn't worry about that.

As far as I remember Kimberly Goss said two years ago that Alexi has a great clean voice but he would never use it in a COB song. Rebel Yell isn't a COB song.
anku said:
i know... but they said sometime that they are going to be commertial. Dunno, but then they hafta get the clean vocal in every song.. :(

No they never said that, I don't knwo what your'e talking about... in fact Alexi has repeatedly stated that he hates commercial bands nowadays. The only thing that would've made this funnier is if you had put down all the really catchy songs as your favs. You got at least half of them, anyway.
yeah yeah..

Thats what ive heard..

And you can damn say that CoB have made the song, but not the text.
Not a 100% CoB song, but still a cob song.. And why the hell they have created it with clean vocals? Its CoB man, not Britney Spears
its just singing, jesus. ill never understand why people have to get their panties in a wad about clean vocals. nevermore use all clean vocals and are FAR from a "commercial" band
anku said:
And why the hell they have created it with clean vocals? Its CoB man, not Britney Spears
Do you really wanna know? Alexi said it's fucking hilarious to see "true fans" - who take everything so fucking seriously - cry and whine like little babies. I gotta agree with him.. :p
if every "fan" takes EVERYTHING as serious as you-->POOR bodom! anyway, i like the "rebell yell" cover because it was really amazing to hear aleksi sing with a clear voice. my god, singing 1 song in a clean voice doesn't mean getting commercial!
anku said:
T I think Children of Bodom should make more songs like this, and like Hatebreeder (the entire album..)
Espessially the solos from HB is EXTREMLY nice!


Stun said:
in fact Alexi has repeatedly stated that he hates commercial bands nowadays. .

Hm, I wouldn't say that, because Alexi is listening to commercial music like Madonna etc.! I think he don't like bands who just make music to earn the money or even sell them selves out...
Fuck it, no back to HB! Best album for sure is HCDR, and second is HB. They could mix them :P I really like HCDR more rock solos, they are not so melodic quick as HB, but they got something in them! And HCDR sounds more like "live", if you know.. Like the end of Bodom Beach Terror... But yeah, more Warheart live!!
Thilo said:
Hm, I wouldn't say that, because Alexi is listening to commercial music like Madonna etc.! I think he don't like bands who just make music to earn the money or even sell them selves out...

I don't think you can judge what kind of music someone will write based on what they listen to, at least if they have diverse tastes. I think you'd be suprised to see what a lot of guys in metal bands listen to (its not always metal!). Actually, I find when writing its best to stay away from metal, or at least the kind of metal you're writing. It helps to keep ideas fresh in your head.
Yngvai X said:
I don't think you can judge what kind of music someone will write based on what they listen to, at least if they have diverse tastes. I think you'd be suprised to see what a lot of guys in metal bands listen to (its not always metal!). Actually, I find when writing its best to stay away from metal, or at least the kind of metal you're writing. It helps to keep ideas fresh in your head.

What are you talking about? Did you quote the right man? I never said that you can judge what kind of music someone will write based on what he listen to...
People, look at it this way: people like what they like, its not their fault. And "Rebel Yell" is a Billy Idol song, NOT COB!!! Most of the non-metal music Alexi listens to is Classic punk rock (sex pistols, Ramones, Billy Idol). Ten Dollars says that the next song COB covers is a punk rock song (in particular, the Sex Pistols).

Now, about Selling out and all that bullshit, if you are as good at music as COB, I dont think you can sell out. Yngwie Malmsteen never sold out, but hes been playing the same damn scales for 20 some odd years. hes had a lot of trouble finding band to work with because of his attitude and his arrogance. Alexi has played a stringed instrument for over 17 or more years. Violin and then he picked up the guitar, and Janne is probably the most "musically educated" in the whole group, besides Alexi. So I think that when someone is THAT GOOD, you cant sell out because their "style" is not rocognized by commercial music. Alexi is getting better at guitar, as am I and anyone else who practices Daily. In an interview i read a while ago he said he was playing stuff on "Reaper" that he had never dreamed of playing, and he is becoming more and more educated that metal music does not need only minor scales to sound good. SO... in conclusion, COB Rocks, end of story, and thats the end of the argument.
Rebel Yell is a classic song.

You have heard it at least 10 times or more just from movies, background music, etc in your life.

It is cool to see Bodom do a cover of it.

CoB never said they are going to go commercial, you must have read a rumor of some off the wall fan site. Dont beleive everything you see or hear.