New Circa Survive Song - Schema

I'm a big fan too, but I didn't really get into Violent Waves much. I didn't get into this track much either until it pulled back a bit at 40 seconds or so and then I enjoyed the rest. Feels like they've been listening to Karnivool for those sections. Cheers for sharing.
i thought i saw on Facebook recently that Anthony Green was singing with Saosin again on a few shows. Planning a move?

Saosin has been taking it easy for a while, and while I think they are working on a some material, I highly doubt Green would leave Circa Survive just to do that Saosin full time. Circa is doing great with the Sumerian and the new tour and I think they'll get some serious traction now that things are moving in a different direction.
well, kinda cool the boys in Circa don't mind him running off and doing a few shows with them. I like both Saosin and Circa musically for different reasons. I find Saosin a little heavier, which is nice - but Circa definitely has their own sound too.