New Clips/PP/Kamelot & Odin's Court

Rick Pierpont

Odin's Court Guitar
Oct 1, 2003
Morrisville, NC
Hey Dustin (and the rest of you crazies),

I just listened to your clips and they are awesome! The Rising Anger will definitely be joining the other two Kat V CDs I already own!! I think this will be your strongest release to date! Can't wait for y'all to play PP again!

Speaking of PP, just a few more weeks and we'll all be seeing each other on the front porch of the Grenada again! "Mangina" lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On another note, I hope our luck goes better than yours as of late :-( But I'm excited to say that we just got an opennig slot for a Kamelot show at Jaxx in Springfield, VA on Nov. 17! Nothing like planning ahead :Spin:

I wish you guys were closer so you'd get the chance to see us too. If you know anyone on the east coast that is interested in seeing this show, please send them my way! That way they save the TicketMaster charges and support the local prog metal scene at the same time! I'm sure you guys are all too familiar with the drill!

I hope all is going well! See you in a few weeks! Hey Sherri!
I hope all is going well! See you in a few weeks! Hey Sherri![/QUOTE]

Looking forward to getting away from good ol' SLC and having some fun on a much needed vacation, away from all of the stress!! I can't wait to see everyone again!! It's been so nice to not have to see the Mangina for so long but I guess it has to rear it's ugly head at some point again!! I just hope Dustin doesn't scare some of the band members away again like last year!:) See you soon!!

prog2112 said:
Looking forward to getting away from good ol' SLC and having some fun on a much needed vacation, away from all of the stress!! I can't wait to see everyone again!! It's been so nice to not have to see the Mangina for so long but I guess it has to rear it's ugly head at some point again!! I just hope Dustin doesn't scare some of the band members away again like last year!:) See you soon!!


Hey Sheri,

I bet -- SLC doesn't sound like the most metal city! And a ProgPower vacation is always a good vacation!

Hahahaha!!! Mangina only appears at PP, eh? lol!! You tink that Mangina that scared them away?!?!

Yup! When are you guys getting in? I'm coming Thursday morning. See you then.
RICK!!!! :kickass:

YES!!! progpower is only weeks away!!!

You guys will be pimpin' it with Kamelot? SWEET!!! I had no idea they were even booking their tour! Awsome! I wish we could make it out there for that show! They need to come to Salt Lake... you wouldn't happen to know their booking agent would you? I'd like to pass that one on to Mr. Toast. ;)

BTW, thanks for the props on our new material; gald you think it will top the last two - because we certainly hope so as well! ...hopefully it won't be TOO long before it actually see's the light of day. :Spin:

I'm sure (due to popular demand) that the Mangina wll return at this years progpower. :tickled: of all the other people/bands that have seen it; it certainly affected Andy B. the most ...he saw it at the pre-party and avoided me the whole festival. :worship: awsome!

Yo Dustin!!

Hell yeah! Just a hair over 3 weeks and the madness begins again! :rock:

Dude! Yes, we are! We are pretty excited about it too! Should be an awesome show and a good match for us as well. So it should be a great gig exposure-wise. I didn't know either and still haven't seen any mention on their site, but I suspect that something should get announced soon. When we played with Sonata Arctica back in April it was up on the club's site for a while before it made to SA's. Go figure. Hopefully they will pass through SLC and you'll get the show too. No, I don't but I think Matt does. Is this famous Mr. Toast going to be at PP? I'd like to meet anyone with a crazy name like that. I won't even ask how he got it. lol!!

No problem dude! The props come well deserved! Definitely! When is the release date? I know it is probably some where on this forum already or even your site, but I'm feeling lazy at the moment! ;-) Could it be on my list of CDs to buy at PP this year?

Hahahahaha!! Yes, and sounds like Sheri loves that idea. :Spin: That's funny -- I had no idea! It wasn't *that* scary.

Talk to you soon and will be seeing y'all in just a few short weeks!
Hey dude,

I just checked and it Kamelot does now have four dates announced! The first being the one we're playing. Then there are two in Canada, one in NYC, a 12 day break, then they will be in Brazil. Maybe there is a chance that they'll come out west before flying down.
Rick Pierpont said:
Hey dude,

I just checked and it Kamelot does now have four dates announced! The first being the one we're playing. Then there are two in Canada, one in NYC, a 12 day break, then they will be in Brazil. Maybe there is a chance that they'll come out west before flying down.

we'llit look shihgly unlikey they'llmake it to little arm-pit-of-the-west Utah but believe me...I'm crossing my fingers!

Dustin said:
we'llit look shihgly unlikey they'llmake it to little arm-pit-of-the-west Utah but believe me...I'm crossing my fingers!

Hahaha! It was a bit late there now wasn't it ;)

Yeah, you're probably right considering there is only 12 days bewteen their NYC show and their first date in Brazil. But one can hope!

See you in a couple of weeks!