New Crimson Glory album !!!


Apr 29, 2004
Went to see Crimson Glory again today (AWESOME show again) and they announced they are writing a new album that should be ready at the end of the year :headbang:
I think they should be able to make a great album with the new singer.
As a side note; Todd La Torre has only done a handful of live gigs as a singer.
He was a drummer before and Crimson Glory is the first band he sings for.
It's amazing to sound this strong as a "beginning" singer, and I'm sure he has some room
to even improve his voice ! I think his first live gig as singer was at ProgPower USA.
Todd was discovered by Matt LaPorte (RIP) btw, he introduced Todd to Crimson Glory.

Well, I hope I can see them live in the future. And I am eagerly expecting the new album. I have every confidence that it will be damn good.
Cool. With all these other bands falling apart recently, it's good to see one of the classics coming back together again.
From what I remember he wasn't there. They had a group of rotating singers for every song from the other bands performing + Wade Black.

This should be Todd at PP X :p

And one more from a few days ago; Queen of the Masquerade, one of my favorite CG songs;

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An extra video, can't stop :)
Shows the awesome quality modern cell phones have, both sound and video quality are superb!

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Very jealous of people who got to see the band on this tour. Hopefully they won't self-destruct again and we finally get the new album and more touring. LaTorre is definitely the man for CG.