New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Commercial? You were not living those days. Even if they were to appear in some tv show from time to time, that was not what the regular people thought about metal. Metallica was the first big mteal band to do it on the radio, and all because it was promoted by the mainstream media when they released the black album.

Listening to metal in the 80s or 90s was very "underground". People was looking at you as if you were some kind of freak and the most common sentence that you could here regarding music was "I listen to all except for the noisy one".
I’m thinking more like hair metal. It was commercial. What genre is Guns N Roses? Commercial metal. Popular as hell.
These days the “hard rock” and even “rock” label is dead. If Cyhra were around 30 years ago would they be “hard rock”?
I don't think so. Kiss, AC/DC, Motley Crue, Aerosmith and many others can still be considered hard rock. Many new bands are nearer to hard rock than to metal. It's just that these days is trending calling yourself a metal band.
So far, all of the reviews say that the album is mostly perfect. Which leads me to a conclussion. I want nuclear blast to pay for the reviews of my sexual intercourse.
Insomnium's next release features a male and female singer, songs such as "We Will Never Be Apart", "Our Love Never Dies", "Kiss Me Gently" and "My Heart Will Go On (Celine Dion cover)". #METAL
Concepts by cicko.

Produced by Howard Benson and Bob Rock.
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I went over the first Cyrha album again... Minus a few fillers, that's still a fantastic piece of music.

Then I tried listening to the new songs and they are so empty. Catchy chorus and bunch of generic stuff in between. What a disappointment. :(
Letters to Myself is a flawed but earnest album. What it lacks in focus it makes up for with heart and passion. Not too dissimilar to an album like SOAPF. I think the new album is going to be a lot more focused and better produced but a lot less genuine.
Well, I'm sure it won't be that bad :D but the singles haven't raised my hopes for anything special this time around.