New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

6 minutes is a bit optimistic with this material.

But OK. I understand there might be a person out there that likes generic, watered-down metal.

But those awful electronic sounds all over the album. The whole fucking album with those weird out of place sounds. Like nails on chalkboard. How can the whole band + producer + engineer + guys at NB think: Yeah, this is it - sounds great!
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Yeah I don't understand the obsession with these stupid, cheap sounding electronics either. They were tolerable on LtM because they were largely in the background and not too imposing, but they're all over No Halos in Hell like a fucking rash. They add absolutely no value to the album.

Much like with IF, if you want keys in your music then hire a fucking keyboard player! Don't just throw a bunch of shitty electronics in there and think it's some kind of genius.
6 minutes is a bit optimistic with this material.

But OK. I understand there might be a person out there that likes generic, watered-down metal.

But those awful electronic sounds all over the album. The whole fucking album with those weird out of place sounds. Like nails on chalkboard. How can the whole band + producer + engineer + guys at NB think: Yeah, this is it - sounds great!
Well let me tally this. Intros and riffs only, no solos. I will have to do that later.
1 0:15-0:30
2 0-0:19
4 0-0:27
5 0:15-0:29
6 3:17-3:32
8 0-0:12
10 0-0:29
12 0:25-0:45
13 0-0:30

That is 3 minutes and 01 seconds if I did that math right. Now I will look at the solos and see what is good.
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Yeah, solos ain't gonna save the day here. :)

QUOTE="DE4life, post: 11987035, member: 88225"]Yeah I don't understand the obsession with these stupid, cheap sounding electronics either. They were tolerable on LtM because they were largely in the background and not too imposing, but they're all over No Halos in Hell like a fucking rash. They add absolutely no value to the album.

Much like with IF, if you want keys in your music then hire a fucking keyboard player! Don't just throw a bunch of shitty electronics in there and think it's some kind of genius.[/QUOTE]

Difference being IF had great electronics on bunch of albums. Compare SOAPF and this shit here...
Solos. Didn’t really cull much from this.
1 2:17-2:43
2 2:43-3:12
3 2:45-3:18
5 2:43-3:12
8 2:14-2:34
9 2:15-3:00 (anybody catch the GnR Sweet Child of Mine part?)
11 2:45-3:14 (weirdly abbreviated)
12 2:45-3:50 (2nd half shreds pretty hard)
13 2:14-3:05

5 minutes and 17 seconds of solo and bridge parts. Some filler of course. But pretty healthy amount.

By the way, Hi guyz, remember when we were all saying how formulaic these songs are? Notice how many songs have the solo start at either 2:15 or 2:43? ......... W..T..F.. On track 11 they weirdly truncated the solo.... hmm, maybe to fit the formula?
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It's very similar to how IF did it on Siren Charms, with the solo almost always being in the same place in the song. It's no wonder the album feels so boring and predictable when the same thing is happening repeatedly. If they didn't have the creativity to do different things then the album simply should have been shorter. The solo on Man of Eternal Rain is by far the best one on the album, and I liked how even though it ended with the chorus they kept the energy up for that final chorus rather than slow the tone down.
I really do think the reason the album ended up like this was because Jesper took a step back from the group. Last album was a clear mix of Jake/Jesper, this one sounds, to me, like 90% Jake, 8% Euge and 2% Jesper. I just don't hear his influence in any significant form.
I think that the problem is what you think is Jesper's style. If we think about the Jesper that we knew, we should think that his influence on the previous album is limited to two or three songs. The songs that sounds somwhow like old Jesper.

But, if we think that they were aiming for something different...

The first song they wrote for ltm was the tutle track. Clearly influenced by Jesper. Then the first single was written probably near in time. And That's all.

Also, on this album, I hear a lot of riffs that are probably written by Jesper. Specially on the intro riffs from some songs.
We can't know who wrote what. It's pretty easy to identify Euges solos and Jakes style songs. Yeah, there are a few riffs and probably melodies done by Jesper but it sounds to me that he is much less present on this album. On LtM there were some obvious IF rip moments, but throughout the whole album you had a bunch of acoustic, melodic and that slow riff/chord things that, to my ears, sounded very familiar (and pleasant).

Even the drummer seems much less interested in this album. On LtM the drumming was really one of the highlights with some quite unorthodox things and cool grooves. Here you have 15+ songs of keeping it simple and boring.

To me, everything sounds like Jake and Euge did most of the work. And I guess Jake did the electronics too.

As for solos, Bjorn had better solos even on Battles (In my Room?) than this.

This is really weak. I can't think of one standout thing on the whole album. At best, you can like a few short sections and that's it.

Also... Fuck you guys:

Elias Holmlid Keyboards, Programming
Mark Mangold Keyboards, Programming
Jonah Weingarten Keyboards, Programming
Jake E Keyboards, Programming
Jesper Strömblad Keyboards, Programming
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Also according to the songwriting credits Jesper didn't write anything on Battle From Within, Lost in Time, I Had Your Back, Blood Brothers, Man of Eternal Rain or Lies.

Euge meanwhile also has no songwritings credits for Battle From Within, Bye Bye Forever, Lost in Time, Hit Me or Lies.

So Jake exclusive tracks are Battle From Within, Lost in Time and Lies.

Also in "other musicians" we have three extra people working on keyboards. So including Jake and Jesper that's five people working on keys and they all sound like shit. Good job. Also somebody called Mark Mangold has credits for songwriting and lyrics for Lost in Time.
Overall Jake has songwriting credits for all 14 songs, Euge for 9/14 and Jesper for 8/14, although I'm still not convinced Jesper contributed that much beyond a few riffs and melodic sections. For example I'm sure the acoustic bridge in Bye Bye Forever is 100% Jesper and also that nice melodic guitar at 00:15. That stuff is signature Jesper. The rest could have been written by a monkey so probably Jake although it doesn't really matter.
Too many people doing electronics for a metal band. This is stupid.

In the end, this band is about Jake uniting a group of musicians to make his solo career.
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So this is where we're at. Two days after official release and we're discussing the merits of Battles :( #dreamsgonewrong