New Dantesco Clips

HHHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllll yyyyeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

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Dantesco - "De La Muerte De La Morte"

(khaos master productions, 2005)

01. Intro Tiempo De Calma
02. La Tempestad
03. Cronicas De La Muerte Negra
04. Morir De Pie
05. Mi Venganza
06. Dantesco- I. Dantesco II. El Amanecer De Las Almas III. Paisaje Dantesco
07. Traidor
08. Principe De Valaquia
09. Oda Al Fin Del Mundo
10. Ataca La Bestia
11. Pavor Nocturnus

This first full-length from Puerto Rico’s Dantesco was one of last year’s most widely acclaimed epic doom metal releases – and with good reason! Propelled by the dramatic and passionate vocals of the charismatic Erico la Bestia (who is also a trained opera singer!), Dantesco are undoubtedly one of the genre’s brightest prospects.

Following a superb, atmospheric intro “De La Mano De La Muerte” (all song texts are sung in Spanish – the band’s native language) opens with the crushing “La Tempestad”. The band’s strong qualities hit the listener from the outset and it is clear that Dantesco possess all the essential ingredients (memorable riffs and solos, superb theatrical vocals, excellent song writing, intelligent acoustic interludes and a thunderous and tight rhythm section) to be considered as a potentially classic epic doom metal band in the future. The high standards evidenced in the opening track are maintained throughout the album where all of Dantesco’s myriad and diverse reference points (from Merciful Fate and Warlord to Candlemass and Memento Mori) come strongly to the fore. The band’s effective blending of all the seminal traditions in metal climaxes in the blisteringly heavy “Mi Venganza” and “Ataca La Bestia”. “De La Mano De La Meurte” should prove to be a firm favourite with the fans of Battleroar, Doomsword and the rest of the epic battle hordes vying for the pinnacle of epic metal’s pantheon of godly bands.

This album should also be equally enticing and appealing for those doom heads that remain steadfast in the passion for heavy doom metal. Dantesco are strictly for the lovers of traditional, true metal! Those of you out there making their annual spring pilgrimage to Germany for the Keep It True and Doom Shall Rise festivals should be able to duly worship these guys. They are set to unleash their potent epic doom metal on such hallowed ground for the first time in 2006 and I’m positive that the material from this album will shred and sound awesome in the live scenario.

Rate: 12/13


INTERVIEW WITH Erico La Bestia of DANTESCO - February 2006

Hails Erico! Can you please introduce the mighty Dantesco to our readers? What can the doom metallers out there expect with your debut full-length CD "De La Mano, De La Muerte"?
First of all, I want to thank you for this oportunity to spread the word of Dantesco through the metal souls reading this mighty zine. Dantesco is an epic metal band from Puerto Rico a tiny island on Caribbean Seas! The band members are Ramon De Jesus (bass, classical guitars), Daniel Ortiz (lead guitar, acoustic guitars), Diablo (drums, percussion), Joel Carrasquillo (lead guitar) and me Erico La Bestia (vocals).
Doom metallers out there can expect from "De La Mano, De La Muerte" a very epic album did with a lot of passion from the band, maybe we are not the typical doooooooom band, as we are more into a blending between classic doom like Candlemass or Sorcerer and epic true metal in the vein of Warlord, Helstar, Mercyful Fate or Manilla Road (Dantesco will be a part of the next Manilla Road Tribute album by Solemnity covering "Masque Of The Red Death"). We are also very influenced by bands like Dio, Black Sabbath (Dio era), Uriah Heep, Uli Jon Roth, Luzbel (Mexico), old Manowar and lots of classic epic doom like Sorcerer, Solitude Aeturnus, Solstice, Dark Quarterer or Gods Tower. So if you are into epic metal and loves traditional doom we are your band.

Are you planning an LP release of the album or has it already been released? I'm sure vinyl freaks would love to see an LP version of this awesome release.
We would love an LP release of our album as the cover artwork and inserts always are better looking on LP's. Also I am a vinyl freak, trader and collector of true metal!!! But at this time nobody asked us about releasing it on vinyl, but for sure we will be very glad to see it on vinyl sometime.

"De La Mano, De La Muerte" is being heralded by epic metalheads worldwide as one of 2005's finest albums. What are your reactions to such positive acclaim? Where you expecting such fantastic feedback?
It is a combination of different feelings as we never expected it or did our album searching the great reaction it has right now in Europe, Latin America and even in our own Puerto Rico. It wasn't something that we planned. The strings of the band were part of a band called Infamia and parted ways with the singer of the band, so they started to rehearse by themselves. I was retired from metal singing for the last 12 or 13 years (I was the singer of a great band from Puerto Rico called Power Lord from 89-93, and before that Red Steel 85-86, Hunter 87-88) because I was mainly doing classical music. Only between 2001-2003 I formed a Ronnie James Dio tribute band called The Neon Knights where I had such a great time!!! But the guys that are in Dantesco right now and me, we have been friends since we were kids but never had played together until now, that they wanted a singer and I was into forming a band with the right people that share the music I love... TRUE EPIC AND DOOM METAL!!! AYE!! Really ,no, we never expected this great reaction and we are very glad with it. He, he, he!

Your music seems to blend together diverse influences - from the doom-laden soundscapes of the classic Candlemass albums to the legendary traditions forged by seminal metal acts like Dio, Warlord and Manilla Road. How important are such influences to Dantesco's identity?
Influences are always very important as these are part of the facts that will form your style no matter how original you want or claim to be, you always have your favourite musicians or bands that you are forced by your heart to take some of this or that, that you like for your own playing. Based on the band names you used for your question first of all Candlemass!!!!!! If you ask the five members of Dantesco to list their top ten bands they love, the list can be very diverse but Candlemass will be top five of each of the members, ha ha ha ha!!! We are always talking about Candlemass and what we like about them!!! Ronnie James Dio is for me the best singer and composer of rock ever!!! I admire him at the point that I adore him!!!
Haaaaaaaaaa!!! Really!!! My admiration for Ronnie is as a very wise and artfull person!!! Warlord!!! Wow!!! It's fantastic that you asked about Warlord, because we love this band and specially Daniel (lead g.). For him, Bill Tsamis and Uli Jon Roth are guitar players out of this world and the guitar harmonies in Dantesco are always into this Bill Tsamis' feeling that is incredible because this super underrated guitarist has the most beautiful solos and harmonies I ever heard!!! Manilla Road... Well... I think that this was accidentally listed as the only one in the band that is a lot into Manilla Road is me as the rest of the guys are more into Memento Mori, Mercyful Fate or Helstar (me too!!! ha, ha, ha), but when I hear such songs like "Cronicas De La Muerte Negra" or "Traidor" I am like... Wow it sound very Manilla... Great!!!Ha, ha, ha!"

Your dramatic operatic vocals are indeed one of the main essential trademarks and characteristics of Dantesco. Are there any vocalists in the metal world that you particularly admire? Can you please give our readers some insights on your background and activities in the world of classic opera?
As I already cried (ha, ha) above all! I love Ronnie James Dio with all my heart!!! Also singers like Glen Hughes, Ian Gillan, David Byron, Steve Grimmet and Eric Adams are much admired by me and from different musical lines I have my favorites that really influenced me a lot, my favorite tenor Mario Del Monaco who had the strongest voice known to man or beast!!! Ha, ha, ha, ha, Camilo Sesto is a spanish singer whose voice is simply incredible. He did Jesus Christ Superstar in the 70's and recorded albums from 72 until now and I praise him in the same way as Dio!!! And Antonio Molina who was a spanish flamenco singer with one of the most incredible voices I ever heard!!! Also all the works by Giuseppe Verdi influenced me and formed my musical personality!!!

Do you think that classical music and heavy metal converge at some point?
Definitelly!!! Heavy Metal is a musical style that is very close to classical music as both have the passion of the composer in the progressions used, the harmonies, scales and forms are very similar… I always say that heavy metal is the music of Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, Vivaldi, Verdi etc. With electricity!!!

Does Puerto Rico have a tradition for heavy metal? Are there any other bands (particularly doom metal bands) from Puerto Rico that we should be on the look out for in future?
Puerto Rico had great bands in the past and the 80's-90's were very active with bands like Cardinal Sin, Power Lord, Zekel, Spitfire, Deathless, Crypta and tons more… But by these times the bands were always looking for a dream of being famous and end in MTV!!! So with the coming of grunge, alternative and the death of Metallica, everyone started to do this shitty music and real metal wasn't popular anymore. Now metal is reborn in Puerto Rico and a lot of new great metal bands are doing shows every weekend and we do festivals and all seems very good for metal in the future. Dantesco is the only band doing this style of music in Puerto Rico, but there are such great!!! Bands in the island (none of them girlie, kiddie, poppie power shit metal! ha, ha, ha) like Pacto De Sangre (great epic/power metal in the vein of Heir Apparent/old Queensryche/Haven with a John Arch style singer… Hail!), Ubisumpt (traditional speed metal… Great band in the Savage Grace style), Sacrilegio (very aggressive speed metal with lots of guitar harmonies, also this band has some super doom metal songs that you have to hear sometime!!!), Martus (this band is like a theatrical version of Omen), Athaxia (this band have a great line up and they play neo-classical power metal), Errant Society (progressive metal with some real virtuoso guitar playing… People need to hear this guy (Paco) playing as he is out of this world, not the common Yngwie or Petrucci wannabe), Dracmas (progressive heavy metal… Great band!!! Very epic on the lyrics and a hell of a singer!!!), Aura Azul (if Europe hear this guys Tierra Santa is dead, ha, ha, ha!!! Great Iron Maiden style with an opera singer as vocalist!!!), Sepulchral (great oldschool black metal a la Venom/Sodom), Duel Of Fate (epic power speed metal, with great guitars and a beatiful real (!!!) soprano as singer!!!) and the list goes on, as there are a lot more great thrash, death, black, heavy bands etc.

What's the live gigs situation like in your country? Any plans for touring/a few gigs abroad?
We play a lot in our country as we have a lot of fans and friends who like to go to our shows and have a heavy time. We -in Puerto Rico- have shows every weekend with 3 or 4 bands and metalheads are into the shows everytime. Dantesco had a tour of Central America last year for a fest called El Diablo fest (the devil's fest) where we did shows in Central America with bands from a lot of places like Panama, Costa Rica, Italy, France, Nicaragua, Uruguay and so on and it was certainly a great experience. Right now we are invited to play Doom Shall Rise fest and Keep It True festivals in Germany next April and also will book some shows for the free days. So we hope that this experience in Europe will be great, as Dantesco wants metalheads worldwide to hear their music!!

Over recent years there has been a surge of interest in epic metal and epic doom metal. What are your views on the present state of the epic metal/epic doom metal scene world-wide?
Yes, I see this interest in epic metal as a resurge of true metal too. I still remember when I was a kid starting to hear heavy metal, and asking the older guys about bands like Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Uriah Heep or Blue Oyster Cult just to know the roots of the music I was starting to love (he, he, he). Right now I see a lot of kids interested on find the music of Helstar, Warlord, Omen, Manowar, Mercyful Fate or Candlemass as they now have the need to know the roots of this great new music they hear from bands like Doomsword, Forsaken, Skullview, Doomshine, Battleroar or Wotan!!! So the future is bright my brother!!!!!! I think there will be a resurrection of epic true metal. AYE!!!!!!

Your lyrics are written and sung in Spanish? Why did you opt for this decision? Do you think that this has served to attract more interest in the band from non-Spanish speaking metalheads or the contrary?
We opted to do our songs in Spanish because Spanish is a more exquisite language than English, and some of the stories we want to tell in our songs will lack emotion or passion if we did it in English. Maybe this option closed some doors at the beginning as is very difficult to have a deal on a label if you don't do your songs in English (thanks to our brother Rafael from Khaosmaster Prod. for believing!!!) But right now with the great acclaim world wide of "De La Mano, De La Muerte", I think that will be less difficult with the next album to get deals for a label in Europe or licensing the album in other countries.

Can you provide us with some elaboration on what serves to inspire you in the process of developing your band's lyrics?
The lyrics are all done by me, as Ramon and Daniel are mainly the composers of the 90% of the music. Inspiration in the process of creation of a song comes from diverse themes, as we have songs of epic/historical themes like "El Principe De Valaquia" (The prince of Walachia) about Vlad the Impaler or "Cronicas De La Muerte Negra" (The chronicles of the Black Death) about the plague in France in 1340's or songs like "Morir De Pie" (to die on your feet) a song about freedom and fight until you die for it.

Coro- "Y si no quieres, de rodillas vivir,
Dispuesto estas a batallar.
Y si no luchas y no quieres morir,
Perderan tus hijos la libertad."

Chorus- "So if you don't want to live on your knees
You are ready for battle
But! If you don't fight 'cause you don't want to die
The freedom of your children will be lost."

And we have songs of epic/legendary themes like "Mi Venganza" (my vengeance) about a barbaric form of vengeance into those ones who do their best to kill metal!!!Ha, ha, ha, ha! Also we have anti-religious, fear, apocalyptic and human experience songs!!!
I have a degree in history and I am writer for the University of Puerto Rico, so this helps a lot!

"De La Mano, De La Meurte’s" cover artwork was done by Jowita Kaminska one of metal's most promising artists in my opinion. How did your collaboration with Jowita come about? Are you satisfied with the end result?
Jowita for me is a genius, as the way she works is totally incredible. She just asks you about what do think about the theme for the cover like, the title, lyrics, etc. And she comes with the perfect vision of what you though for it. In my opinion she will be recognized as one of the finest cover artist in metal!!! The collaboration with her came about as we are friends and at one point in time I just asked her about her work because I wanted a nice art for the Dantesco album, but it was simple as we are good friends!

In closing, Erico, can you tell us something about the band's future plans. What can the readers expect from Dantesco on your forthcoming studio release?
Ok! The new album from Dantesco will be more epic, darker and heavier than "De La Mano, De La Muerte. Tentative title for it is "Pagano" (pagan), and it will have a lot of metal hymns that will be like sun for the flower to everyone into epic/doom metal!!! Some titles I can share with you are "El Hijo Del Sol" (son of the sun), "La Fe" (faith), "En El Bosque, Esta Noche" (in the woods, tonight), "La Ultima Visita De Grendel-Parte 1" (Grendel's Last Visit-Part 1), "Santa Croce Titulus" (latin words for the title of the holy cross), "Su Sangre Es Mia" (his blood is mine)… And some more stuff will complete the next album.

Cheers Erico for taking the time to answer these questions. Please feel free to post any last thoughts here.
"HAIL!!! To you Albert and may the gods of metal brighten the path for Forsaken and for all real metal!!!!!! Thanks a lot and check (

Eternal doomed greetings to you and all the guys in Dantesco. Doom forever onwards!

by [ SonicMessiah ]