New dark, mellow song - Listen up!

Great song Splat!!!
I love all the clean guitar tones!!! Did you add reverb to guitars outside of the POD?

Great stuff as always! Really enjoy all your productions!!!
Thanks everyone!

Great song Splat!!!
I love all the clean guitar tones!!! Did you add reverb to guitars outside of the POD?

Great stuff as always! Really enjoy all your productions!!!

No outside reverb other than the POD (Rich Chamber @ 70% wet) but I did have Cubase's stock delay adding to the clean guitar group.
Really nice music! Sounds good too. I couldn't get anything useful out of Allaire for my music.

Yeah Allaire is a bit tough unless you're going for pretty simple beats. The room sounds are amazing though, and that was the main motivation in using it.
How did I miss this one? I sometimes hear new songs and end up listening to them for several hours a day on repeat for at least a few days, up to a week straight.
Several of your songs have had this effect on me, and this new song will join the ranks as another one.
A good bump for Matt. All the March Hare fans (and those that haven't heard his stuff yet), need to hear this one.
Can you tell us a little more about what your using with those clean guitars in terms of processing?
I mean i'm assuming the cab sims are turned off, Some chorus and some stereo widening? It sounds beautiful