Check out the blasphemy that is about to spew forth from my fingers: I like DT's Damage Done much more than I like IF's Clayman. Yea, I said it.
Check out the blasphemy that is about to spew forth from my fingers: I like DT's Damage Done much more than I like IF's Clayman. Yea, I said it.
It's actually REALLY different to their last effort, But the mix sounds great and the song is good, just not what I'm used to!
I can't wait for the album. I hope they come to Au
I thought the same on all accounts. Seems like they're going for a different approach, at least on this song.
I never judge a DT album off one song though. They always seem to work differently in the context of the flow of the whole album.
So does everyone who likes real melodic death metal. In Flames before Colony = solid. In Flames after Whoracle = uke:. DT still brings the win, although Fiction wasn't really incredible. Damage Done is an absolute gem though.
ummm, colony came out in 1999, whoreacle came out in 1997
Well, he said "In Flames before Colony = solid"
But I personally think their downfall started after Clayman. Colony is a very solid album to me, and Clayman has some of my favourite songs by them ( the Future Repeats Today, Square Nothing, Swim, Suburban Me).
Yeah, DT have been quite hit and miss to me after Damage Done. Each album contains one or two tracks that could be counted among their best, but then the rest of the album is just boring filler or uninspired sounding The new track falls into the latter category, for me.