New Darkadian pre production track


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
Just been working on this one lately with the rest of the band. This is just a pre production mix/demo before we go and mic up the kit/cabs and do it "for real" in a few weeks time. Disgusting WIP.mp3

Bassist hasn't been round for a while so I just recorded his parts using my guitar, then pitch-shifted it, so it's not great. Anyway, this is all we've written of the song so far, gonna work on writing/recording the rest next week. Enjoy!
No crits? Would particularly like comments on the snare if possible plix! Not the tone/processing of it so much, just the level, I'm finding it hard to hear from fatigue if it's too quiet or not
Yeah, you can definitely tell it's pitch shifted guitar in this clip unfortunately.
Just thin and weedy and just does not glue to the mix properly.
As for the snare, I can hear it fine during what sounds like a verse, but when those leads come in, I think you're gonna need some automation at that point especially during the harmonized leads.
Everything on the mix is fine, except you really need to do something with the hat, its nothing but noise, and thin as fuck. The snare in terms of volume is perfect and the first guitar solo needs to be turned up a bit but the harmonized parts at the end are spot on.
Way too much "click" on the toms imho, expecially in the first part. Take back some highs.
The snare level seems fine to me, but it could use a little more ambience.
I'd try to lower the gain a bit on the guitars.
I like this kind of snares but I think that it doesnt fits very well with the guitars. A fatter snare would be much better IMO
Thanks for the feedback dudes, it's really appreciated.
Snare is something I'm forever working on. I mean, it's all irrelevant at the moment because this isn't the final product, I'll be mic'ing up my drummer's kit, but it's just to get a feel for our mix so when it comes to crunch time I'll have something to reference against. So getting it to a standard we like is the key at the moment.

I'll add more of the room mic in, see if that makes a difference to the snare. I agree that it's definitely on the dry side. but i disagree that it needs fattening, only because I'm not "allowed" to do anything on that front :lol: My drummer certainly has *his* snare sound, and this is most certainly it. I think it contrasts well with the low tuned guitars, but if anything needs changing I'd say it needed down-tuning, rather than adding in more low frequencies. Puffy/fat snares are certainly a no-no, I don't like them at all.

Totally agree with hi-hats, need some attention. I'll work on these then update the mix,
Yeah man I know :( I hate not having a bass any more. I mean, even though my bassist will just re-record whatever I lay down anyway, it's just nice to hear what it sounds like as an idea when it's first recorded.

Also, drummer came over today, discussed the snare sound, made a few changes, will upload tomorrow. It's basically pingy-er, more resonant, but kind of... "baggier"? Like de-tuned and less compressed. I'm liking it!