Short but sweet thrashy mixtest - Testing my COW 7

I like the sample at the start man.

All sounds pretty good to me. I'm not sure if the kick is too loud or whether the sample is a little distracting (not necessarily a bad thing). Experiment a little with trying to get it to sit right in al the right places with automation, and if that doesn't work, try a sample that might fit in with the mix a little better, that doesn't sound as clean?

I dunno man. :lol: I think the kick is pretty good sounding to be honest, but I'm not sure if I'm listening to it a lot mroe because of you asking about it, or the fact that it is in fact, maybe a tad loud.

Sorry I can't help more.
the guitars sound good! what did you use for them?
i like the kick also, but the snare is weak imo
cool song