Finally ditched ReValver in favour of free plug-ins. Go figure (huge tone at last!)


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
Changed a few things to the Darkadian mix format really. Drums included.

Overall it was feeling a little thin lately. Clear, but thin. Just didn't have the 'oomph' that I really want for this album.

After drums I went to guitars. I was using ReValver but man that shit's just got no grunt. The tone is there, and they have replicated the general feel of these amps quite well, but the actual 'power' is really missing.

Anyway, I tried out TSE X50 and LePou's LeCto, both of which I have used before but overlooked in favour of ReValver, and am much happier with the results.

Also, having owned a 5150 and played through many 6505's, ReValver really need to go back to the drawing board on that one, especially where the controls are concerned. Not that you should be dialling it in like the real deal anyway, but X50 is definitely more where it's at for a real comparison, hands down.

Enough babble. Here's some metal:

EDIT: Drastically updated mix. New impulses (blending two now with LeCab) new snare, new mix... etc.. and as requested, a settings screengrab! WIP.mp3

Sounds tasty! Nice and heavy.
Yeah free vst's are the way to go nowadays. Lecto has weight and bite. Quite easy to dial in a good tone too.
Sounds great dude, gotta agree with you about Revalver, just has no balls! Would you mind giving information about the bass processing in this clip?
Sounds great, I like very much the way the bass can be heard in the second clip. Guitar wise I personally like a little less gain (Not that it sounds way oversaturated or something, but it could be a little more punchy maybe). Altough the 2nd clip is already more punchy and fat. But it's cool, and that's all personal preference of course. :)
Mattayus this simply rocks!!!!!

I'd love to hear this without the 100hz high pass on the gtr's - and a distorted bass (dunno if it is already) but thats just a taste thing

keep up the great work mate I love your tunes!!
Without a hi-pass? The catharsis impulses are crazy-woofy man, plus I usually use a 7 string in Bb standard (this is one of the very few 6 string songs we have, in drop Db) so it usually really needs it. I can take it off if you'd like but it really is woof-central :lol:
Without a hi-pass? The catharsis impulses are crazy-woofy man, plus I usually use a 7 string in Bb standard (this is one of the very few 6 string songs we have, in drop Db) so it usually really needs it. I can take it off if you'd like but it really is woof-central :lol:

doh!!! sorry mate I forgot you were using the IR , I'm just used to your POD tunes I've stopped High passing my POD gtr's
Sounds pretty ace. I love the riffs.

Are there no vocals on these clips because you have not recorded it or do you no have vocalist?
doh!!! sorry mate I forgot you were using the IR , I'm just used to your POD tunes I've stopped High passing my POD gtr's

Oh man I haven't used a Pod in any serious capacity in months! I've only just got mine back from long-term loan too, and only really use it for getting rough riffs down.

Sounds pretty ace. I love the riffs.

Are there no vocals on these clips because you have not recorded it or do you no have vocalist?

Both :lol: We've had a few try out but nothing promising, or anywhere near local enough

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