New Death Track/ POD X3 / Nebula Cab


Jan 13, 2009
Hi dudes - well heres one i've been working on for a couple of days now - trying to get the GTR's Pounding etc....


Used the trusty POD , but this time with a Nebula Free cab sim which sounds really authentic to my ears anyway!!

Hope you enjoy the track, and please leave feedback as it's always welcome:headbang::headbang::headbang:
sounds good for what your going for. i think i can hear some bad edits in there... pops and clicks. reminds me of older dying fetus with the production and the material.
hahaha, man i remember the Dying Fetus days, lovin that song pic btw...Br00talz! geat use of samples, and i liked the straightforwardness of the song as a whole. definitely sticking to the heavy "old skool" death sound, unlike all of the newer "wannabe" death bands as of late. well played and recorded dude!
heh heh, it's what happens when you spend a day off listening to old suffocation songs!!

Thanks for the comments dudes