New Demo Mix FTFDesque / First Post.


Jan 1, 2011
Bournemouth UK
Hi lads!

This is my first post here. I've been recording since I was about 10. Demo's and ideas for the bands I've been in.

Never had any training or anything, just picked it up myself. Thought it was about time I asked a few questions etc :) Due to record my band's debut full length over the next 4 months so I really want to get this sounding as best I can.

The track below is a rough Pre production, half finished, basically like to get some feedback on what Im doing wrong. Pro 1_2.mp3

Im using Cubase 5, Ozone 4, Superior drummer 2.0 + Drumagog with a few samples I've got from UMF. Pod farm for the guitars, quad tracked with a tiny bit of widening on the buss & subtle EQ.

Thanks in advance guys! Fire away! Look forward to contributing to the forum with some samples/impluses etc!
the snare is kinda lost... maybe raise it a little bit, also theres a lot of low end..
Thanks guys! Im mixing on some really dodgy headphones at the moment, so I think I may be over compensating the low end :lol: Really appreciate the help!